
if statement jumping

本文关键字:语句 If      更新时间:2023-10-16

If语句运行异常。由于某种原因,如果在if语句中if ( choosePositionX )转到else,这告诉用户其他玩家已经移动了,那么它将转到下一个if if ( choosePositionO )并打印出该语句中的else。我怎样才能使它在if语句中进入else时,它就会跳出来,继续往下。似乎break;不起作用。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Initialize Array to 9 elements.
// Set array elements 1 to 9 to specify locations for placement of X and O.
char ticTacBoard[9] = {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'};
// gameState will return 1 to 4. #1. Player X has won, #2. Player Y has won, #3. Draw, #4. Game Not Finished.
int gameState = 0;
int choosePositionX = 0;
int choosePositionO = 0;
int totalMoves = 0;
// Functions declared to run game.
// Checks for winners, draw and if game should continue.
int checkGameState (int gameState);
// Takes in users moves.
void makeMove ();
// Resets board when game finished.
void reset ();
// Prints the board to the user.
void printBoard ();

int main()
    cout << "Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!" << endl << endl
         << "The goal of Tic Tac Toe is to be the first player to get three in a row on the grid." << endl << endl
         << "Please select 1 through 9 to select placement for your turn."<< endl << endl;
    int gameState = 4;
    while ( gameState == 4)
        cout << "Player X please choose a position: ";
        cin >> choosePositionX;
        cout << endl;
        totalMoves = totalMoves + 1;
        gameState = checkGameState(gameState);
        if (gameState != 4)
            if ( gameState == 1 )
                cout << "Player X has won the game!" << endl << endl;
            if ( gameState == 2 )
                cout << "Player Y has won the game!" << endl << endl;
            if ( gameState == 3 )
                cout << "The game is a DRAW!" << endl << endl;
        cout << "Player O please choose a position: ";
        cin >> choosePositionO;
        cout << endl;
        totalMoves = totalMoves + 1;
        gameState = checkGameState(gameState);
        if (gameState != 4)
            if ( gameState == 1 )
                cout << "Player X has won the game!" << endl << endl;
            if ( gameState == 2 )
                cout << "Player Y has won the game!" << endl << endl;
            if ( gameState == 3 )
                cout << "The game is a DRAW!" << endl << endl;
    char playAgain;
    cout << "Would you like to play again? y/n: ";
    cin >> playAgain;
    cout << endl;
    if (playAgain == 'y')
    else if (playAgain == 'n')
        cout << endl;
        cout << "Thanks for playing!!";
        return 0;
    return 0;
void reset()
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        ticTacBoard[i] = 49 + i;
    gameState = 0;
    choosePositionX = 0;
    choosePositionO = 0;
    totalMoves = 0;
int checkGameState(int gameState)
////////////// CHECK FOR X /////////////////
    // Check Rows
    if(ticTacBoard[0] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[1] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[2] == 'X')
        return 1;
    if(ticTacBoard[3] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[4] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[5] == 'X')
        return 1;
    if(ticTacBoard[6] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[7] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[8] == 'X')
        return 1;
    // Check Columns
    if(ticTacBoard[0] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[3] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[6] == 'X')
        return 1;
    if(ticTacBoard[1] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[4] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[7] == 'X')
        return 1;
    if(ticTacBoard[2] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[5] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[8] == 'X')
        return 1;
    // Check Diagonally
    if(ticTacBoard[0] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[4] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[8] == 'X')
        return 1;
    if(ticTacBoard[2] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[4] == 'X' && ticTacBoard[6] == 'X')
        return 1;
////////////// CHECK FOR O /////////////////
    // Check Rows
    if(ticTacBoard[0] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[1] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[2] == 'O')
        return 2;
    if(ticTacBoard[3] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[4] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[5] == 'O')
        return 2;
    if(ticTacBoard[6] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[7] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[8] == 'O')
        return 2;
    // Check Columns
    if(ticTacBoard[0] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[3] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[6] == 'O')
        return 2;
    if(ticTacBoard[1] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[4] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[7] == 'O')
        return 2;
    if(ticTacBoard[2] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[5] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[8] == 'O')
        return 2;
    // Check Diagonally
    if(ticTacBoard[0] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[4] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[8] == 'O')
        return 2;
    if(ticTacBoard[2] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[4] == 'O' && ticTacBoard[6] == 'O')
        return 2;
    // After 9 moves we call a Draw. Since we should have a winner before that.
    if ( totalMoves >= 9)
        return 3;
    // Otherwise CONTINUE
        return 4;
void makeMove()
    if (choosePositionX)
        if (ticTacBoard[choosePositionX - 1] != 'X' && ticTacBoard[choosePositionX - 1] != 'O' )
            ticTacBoard[choosePositionX - 1] = 'X';
            cout << "Player O has already made this move" << endl << endl;
            // keep same moves for counter draw
            totalMoves = totalMoves - 1 + 1;
    if (choosePositionO)
        if (ticTacBoard[choosePositionO - 1] != 'X' && ticTacBoard[choosePositionO - 1] != 'O' )
            ticTacBoard[choosePositionO - 1] = 'O';
            cout << "Player X has already made this move" << endl << endl;
            // keep same moves for counter draw
            totalMoves = totalMoves - 1 + 1;
void printBoard()
    for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
            cout << ticTacBoard[3 * y + x] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;


else if ( choosePositionO )

使用else if:

if (condition1)
  if (subcond1) { /* ... */ }
  else { /* ... */ }
else if (condition2)
  if (subcond2) { /* ... */ }
  else { /* ... */ }
   // ...

使第二个ifelse if,因此,如果choosePositionX为真,则checkPositionO将不被检查。


enum Player {
  , PlayerO
enum Player choosePosition;


    else if(choosePositionO)
