
Unpredictable results finding optimal path with Dijkstra's Algorithm

本文关键字:路径 不可预测 结果 最佳 Dijkstra 算法 使用      更新时间:2023-10-16



  • 如果我为图使用相等的边权,则最佳路径(据我所知)总是正确返回

  • 如果我在路径中引入"墙",大多数情况下搜索结果将无效,通常会丢失边缘或无效跳跃

  • 有效的动作是上下/左/右


 -- matrix nodeIds: -- 
[ 0][ 1][ 2][ 3][ 4]
[ 5][ 6][ 7][ 8][ 9]
 -- matrix node Weights: -- 
[ 1][99][ 1][ 1][ 1]
[ 1][99][ 1][99][ 1]
[ 1][99][ 1][99][ 1]
[ 1][99][ 1][99][ 1]
[ 1][ 1][ 1][99][ 1]
 -- Optimal Path Taken -- 
[*][ ][*][ ][*]
[*][ ][*][ ][*]
[ ][ ][*][ ][*]
[*][*][*][ ][*]
[ ][*][*][ ][*]
 -- Optimal Path String -- 
 -- NodeId->(Weight) -- 
 -- all paths searched: -- 
start->end(weight) 0->1(99) 
start->end(weight) 5->2(1) 
start->end(weight) 15->4(1) 
start->end(weight) 0->5(1) 
start->end(weight) 5->6(99) 
start->end(weight) 12->7(1) 
start->end(weight) 15->8(99) 
start->end(weight) 16->9(1) 
start->end(weight) 2->11(99) 
start->end(weight) 17->12(1) 
start->end(weight) 12->13(99) 
start->end(weight) 21->14(1) 
start->end(weight) 2->15(1) 
start->end(weight) 7->16(99) 
start->end(weight) 14->17(1) 
start->end(weight) 17->18(99) 
start->end(weight) 22->19(1) 
start->end(weight) 4->21(1) 
start->end(weight) 9->22(1) 
start->end(weight) 14->23(99) 
start->end(weight) 19->24(1) 

这是我的代码,你应该能够复制/粘贴和运行,如果你喜欢(c++ 98):

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
const int BOARD_SIZE = 5;
// The Weighted queue always returns the lowest weight value node from front()
class WeightedQueue {
int get();   // return the item with the lowest weight value and remove it from the map
void push(int weight, int NodeId); // add item
bool empty(); // is it empty
std::map<int, int> mWeightedPositions; //  weightValue, NodeId
void WeightedQueue::push(int weight, int NodeId)
    mWeightedPositions[weight] = NodeId;
bool WeightedQueue::empty()
    return mWeightedPositions.empty();

int WeightedQueue::get()
    std::map<int, int>::iterator iter = mWeightedPositions.begin();
    int nodeId = iter->second; // nodeId
    return nodeId;
// Matrix position row,col
struct MatrixPos
    int row;
    int col;
// get linear index from row, col
int getLinearIndex(int row, int col)
    int linearIndex = BOARD_SIZE * col + row;
    return linearIndex;
// convert linear index to matrix position row, col
MatrixPos matrixPos(int nodeId)
    MatrixPos matrixPos = { nodeId / BOARD_SIZE, nodeId % BOARD_SIZE  };
    return matrixPos;
// reconstruct the optimal path and print it
void reconstructPath(int start, int goal, std::map<int, int> & cameFrom, std::map<int, int> & weights)
    std::vector<int> path;
    int current = goal;
    while (current != start)
        current = cameFrom[current];
    printf("n -- Optimal Path Taken -- n");
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
        if (matrixPos(i).col == 0)
        char tileValue = ' ';
        for (int j = 0; j < NUM_ELEMENTS; j++)
            if (path[j] == i)
                tileValue = '*';
        printf("[%c]", tileValue);
    printf("n -- Optimal Path String -- n");
    printf("n -- NodeId->(Weight) -- n");
    for (int i = 0; (int) i < path.size(); i++)
        printf("%d->(%d)->", path[i], weights[path[i]]);
// print all the paths taken by the search + the weight of the destination node
void printPaths(std::map<int, int> & pathMap, std::map<int, int> & weightMap)
    printf("n -- all paths searched: -- n");
    for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = pathMap.begin(); it != pathMap.end(); ++it)
        int destX = matrixPos(it->first).row;
        int destY = matrixPos(it->first).col;
        int startX = matrixPos(it->second).row;
        int startY  = matrixPos(it->second).col;
        int startWeight = weightMap[it->second];
        int endWeight = weightMap[it->first];
        printf("start->end(weight) %d->%d(%d) n", it->second, it->first, endWeight);
// populate the Matrix and weights map
void buildMatrix(std::map<int, int> & weightMap)
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
        gMatrix[matrixPos(i).row][matrixPos(i).col] = i;
        weightMap[i] = 1;
    weightMap[1] = 99;
    weightMap[6] = 99;
    weightMap[11] = 99;
    weightMap[16] = 99;
    weightMap[23] = 99;
    weightMap[18] = 99;
    weightMap[13] = 99;
    weightMap[8] = 99;
// print matrix displaying nodeIds and Weights
void printMatrix(std::map<int, int> & weightMap)
    printf("n -- matrix nodeIds: -- n");
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
        if (matrixPos(i).col == 0)
        printf("[%2d]", gMatrix[matrixPos(i).row][matrixPos(i).col]);
    printf("n -- matrix node Weights: -- n");
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
        if (matrixPos(i).col == 0)
        printf("[%2d]", weightMap[i]);
// identify the neighboring nodes for nodeId, up down left right
void collectNeighbors(int nodeId, std::vector<int> & neighbors)
    int curRow = nodeId / BOARD_SIZE;
    int curCol = nodeId % BOARD_SIZE;
    // left
    if (curRow - 1 > 0)
        int shiftLeft = curRow - 1;
        int neighborIndex = getLinearIndex(shiftLeft, curCol);
    // right
    if (curRow + 1 < BOARD_SIZE)
        int shiftRight = curRow + 1;
        int neighborIndex = getLinearIndex(shiftRight, curCol);
    // up
    if (curCol - 1 > 0)
        int shiftUp = curCol - 1;
        int neighborIndex = getLinearIndex(curRow, shiftUp);
    // down
    if (curCol + 1 < BOARD_SIZE)
        int shiftDown = curCol + 1;
        int neighborIndex = getLinearIndex(curRow, shiftDown);
void searchMatrix(int startNodeId, int goalNodeId, std::map<int, int> & weightMap)
    std::map<int, int> cameFrom; // neighbor NodeId, current NodeId
    std::map<int, int> costSoFar;    // nodeId, cost
    std::vector<int> neighbors; // list of the neighboring NodeIds
    WeightedQueue weightedQueue;
    weightedQueue.push(0, startNodeId); // the Queue of nodes, the lowest weight node is returned first by front()
    costSoFar[startNodeId] = 0;
    while (!weightedQueue.empty())
        // current index we are working with
        int currentNode = weightedQueue.get();
        // exit if we've reached the goal node
        if (currentNode == goalNodeId)
        // get all the neighbors for this position
        collectNeighbors(currentNode, neighbors);
        for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++)
            int neighborNode = neighbors[i];
            int totalCost = costSoFar[currentNode] + weightMap[neighborNode];
            if (!costSoFar.count(neighborNode) || totalCost < costSoFar[neighborNode])
                // if we haven't been here yet, add it to the weightedQueue
                weightedQueue.push(weightMap[neighborNode], neighborNode);
                cameFrom[neighborNode] = currentNode;
                costSoFar[neighborNode] = totalCost;
    reconstructPath(startNodeId, goalNodeId, cameFrom, weightMap);
    printPaths(cameFrom, weightMap);
int main()
    std::map<int, int> weightMap;
    searchMatrix(0, 24, weightMap);


  1. 正如下面的评论者所指出的,我的WeightedQueue不能作为优先级队列工作,所以我重写了这个,在内部使用一个矢量和一个自定义比较器,当添加新项时,在顶部重新排序最低权重对象。(使用std优先级队列将是一个更明智的选择)

  2. 我寻找邻居的功能是奇怪跳跃的根源。

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
const int BOARD_SIZE = 5;

struct WeightedNode
    int nodeId;
    int weightValue;
    WeightedNode(int weight, int node) : weightValue(weight), nodeId(node)
struct orderLeastWeight
    inline bool operator()(const WeightedNode& weightedNode1, const WeightedNode& weightedNode2)
        return (weightedNode1.weightValue < weightedNode2.weightValue);

// The Weighted queue always returns the lowest weight value node from front()
class WeightedQueue {
int get();   // return the item with the lowest weight value and remove it from the map
void push(int weight, int NodeId); // add item
bool empty(); // is it empty
std::vector <WeightedNode> mNodeVec; //  nodeId
void WeightedQueue::push(int weightValue, int nodeId)
    WeightedNode weightedNode = WeightedNode(weightValue, nodeId);
    std::sort(mNodeVec.begin(), mNodeVec.end(), orderLeastWeight());
bool WeightedQueue::empty()
    return mNodeVec.empty();

int WeightedQueue::get()
    int nodeId = mNodeVec.begin()->nodeId;
    return nodeId;
// Matrix position row,col
struct MatrixPos
    uint row;
    uint col;
// get linear index from row, col
uint getLinearIndex(uint x, uint y)
    int linearIndex = BOARD_SIZE * y + x;
    return linearIndex;
// convert linear index to matrix position row, col
MatrixPos matrixPos(uint nodeId)
    MatrixPos matrixPos = { nodeId / BOARD_SIZE, nodeId % BOARD_SIZE  };
    return matrixPos;
// reconstruct the optimal path and print it
void reconstructPath(int start, int goal, std::map<int, int> & cameFrom, std::map<int, int> & weights)
    std::vector<int> path;
    int current = goal;
    while (current != start)
        current = cameFrom[current];
    std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
    printf("n -- Optimal Path Taken -- n");
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
        if (matrixPos(i).col == 0)
        char tileValue = ' ';
        for (int j = 0; j < NUM_ELEMENTS; j++)
            if (path[j] == i)
                tileValue = '*';
        printf("[%c]", tileValue);
    printf("n -- Optimal Path String -- n");
    printf("n -- NodeId->(Weight) -- n");
    for (int i = 0; (int) i < path.size(); i++)
        printf("%d->(%d)->", path[i], weights[path[i]]);
// print all the paths taken by the search + the weight of the destination node
void printPaths(std::map<int, int> & pathMap, std::map<int, int> & weightMap)
    printf("n -- all paths searched: -- n");
    for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = pathMap.begin(); it != pathMap.end(); ++it)
        int destX = matrixPos(it->first).row;
        int destY = matrixPos(it->first).col;
        int startX = matrixPos(it->second).row;
        int startY  = matrixPos(it->second).col;
        int startWeight = weightMap[it->second];
        int endWeight = weightMap[it->first];
        printf("start->end(weight) %d->%d(%d) n", it->second, it->first, endWeight);
// populate the Matrix and weights map
void buildMatrix(std::map<int, int> & weightMap)
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
        gMatrix[matrixPos(i).row][matrixPos(i).col] = i;
        weightMap[i] = 1;
    weightMap[1] = 99;
    weightMap[6] = 99;
    weightMap[11] = 93;
    weightMap[16] = 94;
    weightMap[23] = 95;
    weightMap[18] = 96;
    weightMap[13] = 97;
    weightMap[8] = 98;
// print matrix displaying nodeIds and Weights
void printMatrix(std::map<int, int> & weightMap)
    printf("n -- matrix nodeIds: -- n");
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
        if (matrixPos(i).col == 0)
        printf("[%2d]", gMatrix[matrixPos(i).row][matrixPos(i).col]);
    printf("n -- matrix node Weights: -- n");
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
        if (matrixPos(i).col == 0)
        printf("[%2d]", weightMap[i]);
void collectNeighbors(int nodeId, std::vector<int> & neighbors)
    // uint getLinearIndex(uint x, uint y)
    const MatrixPos tile = matrixPos((uint) nodeId);
    const uint x = tile.col;
    const uint y = tile.row;
    printf("n -- collectNeighbors: -- nodeId %d y: %d x: %dn", nodeId, tile.row, tile.col);

    // up
    if (y > 0) // otherwise an underflow occurred, so not a neighbour
        uint up = y - 1;
        uint neighborIndex = getLinearIndex(x, up);
        neighbors.push_back((int) neighborIndex);
        printf("up -- neighborIndex: %d y: %d x: %dn", neighborIndex, y, x);
    if (y < BOARD_SIZE - 1)
        uint down = y + 1;
        uint neighborIndex = getLinearIndex(x, down);
        neighbors.push_back((int) neighborIndex);
        printf("down -- neighborIndex: %d y: %d x: %dn", neighborIndex, y, x);
    if (x > 0)
        uint left = x - 1;
        uint neighborIndex = getLinearIndex(left, y);
        neighbors.push_back((int) neighborIndex);
        printf("left -- neighborIndex: %d y: %d x: %dn", neighborIndex, y, x);
    if (x < BOARD_SIZE - 1)
        uint right = x + 1;
        uint neighborIndex = getLinearIndex(right, y);
        neighbors.push_back((int) neighborIndex);
        printf("right -- neighborIndex: %d y: %d x: %dn", neighborIndex, y, x);
void searchMatrix(int startNodeId, int goalNodeId, std::map<int, int> & weightMap)
    std::map<int, int> cameFrom; // neighbor NodeId, current NodeId
    std::map<int, int> costSoFar;    // nodeId, cost
    std::vector<int> neighbors; // list of the neighboring NodeIds
    WeightedQueue weightedQueue;
    weightedQueue.push(0, startNodeId); // the Queue of nodes, the lowest weight node is returned first by front()
    costSoFar[startNodeId] = 0;
    cameFrom[startNodeId] = startNodeId;
    while (!weightedQueue.empty())
        // current index we are working with
        int currentNode = weightedQueue.get();
        // exit if we've reached the goal node
        if (currentNode == goalNodeId)
        // get all the neighbors for this position
        collectNeighbors(currentNode, neighbors);
        for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++)
            int neighborNode = neighbors[i];
            int totalCost = costSoFar[currentNode] + weightMap[neighborNode];
            if (!costSoFar.count(neighborNode) || totalCost < costSoFar[neighborNode])
                // if we haven't been here yet, add it to the weightedQueue
                weightedQueue.push(weightMap[neighborNode], neighborNode);
                cameFrom[neighborNode] = currentNode;
                costSoFar[neighborNode] = totalCost;
    reconstructPath(startNodeId, goalNodeId, cameFrom, weightMap);
    printPaths(cameFrom, weightMap);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // int start = atoi(argv[0]);
    // int end = atoi(argv[1]);
    std::map<int, int> weightMap;
    searchMatrix(0, 24, weightMap);


 -- matrix nodeIds: -- 
[ 0][ 1][ 2][ 3][ 4]
[ 5][ 6][ 7][ 8][ 9]
 -- matrix node Weights: -- 
[ 1][99][ 1][ 1][ 1]
[ 1][99][ 1][98][ 1]
[ 1][93][ 1][97][ 1]
[ 1][94][ 1][96][ 1]
[ 1][ 1][ 1][95][ 1]
 -- Optimal Path Taken -- 
[*][ ][*][*][*]
[*][ ][*][ ][*]
[*][ ][*][ ][*]
[*][ ][*][ ][*]
[*][*][*][ ][*]
 -- Optimal Path String -- 
 -- NodeId->(Weight) -- 
 -- all paths searched: -- 
start->end(weight) 0->0(1) 
start->end(weight) 0->1(99) 
start->end(weight) 7->2(1) 
start->end(weight) 2->3(1) 
start->end(weight) 3->4(1) 
start->end(weight) 0->5(1) 
start->end(weight) 5->6(99) 
start->end(weight) 12->7(1) 
start->end(weight) 7->8(98) 
start->end(weight) 4->9(1) 
start->end(weight) 5->10(1) 
start->end(weight) 10->11(93) 
start->end(weight) 17->12(1) 
start->end(weight) 12->13(97) 
start->end(weight) 9->14(1) 
start->end(weight) 10->15(1) 
start->end(weight) 15->16(94) 
start->end(weight) 22->17(1) 
start->end(weight) 17->18(96) 
start->end(weight) 14->19(1) 
start->end(weight) 15->20(1) 
start->end(weight) 20->21(1) 
start->end(weight) 21->22(1) 
start->end(weight) 22->23(95) 
start->end(weight) 19->24(1) 



#define Max 20010 // MAX is the maximum nodeID possible
vector <pair<int, int>> adj[Max]; // adj[u] contains the adjacent nodes of node u
int dis[Max]; // dis[i] is the distance from source to node i
priority_queue <pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, greater<pair<int, int> > > Q;
int dijkstra(int src, int des) {
    memset(dis, MAX, sizeof dis);
    Q = priority_queue <pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, greater<pair<int, int> > > ();
    dis[src] = 0;
    Q.push({dis[src] , src});
    while(!Q.empty()) {
        int u = Q.top().second;
        if(u == des) {
            return dis[des];
        for(int i = 0; i < (int)adj[u].size(); ++i) {
            int v = adj[u][i].first;
            int cost = adj[u][i].second;
            if(dis[v] > dis[u] + cost) {
                dis[v] = dis[u] + cost;
                Q.push({dis[v], v)});
    return -1; // no path found