
Beginner C++ Help: if statements within if statements

本文关键字:if 语句 c++ 帮助 初学者      更新时间:2023-10-16

所以最近我开始学习我的第一门语言,c++,我正在写我自己的程序来得到一些练习。为了让你知道我已经学到了多少,我刚刚在课堂上介绍了"if"answers"else if"语句。下面是代码:

// Grade Calculator
using namespace std;
int main()
float cutoffa, cutoffb, cutoffc, cutoffd, grade;
string firstname, lastname;
cout << setprecision(3) << fixed;
cout << "This program was made to test the "if" and "else if" statements.n";
cout << "For this program you will be pretending to be a professor who is entering a student's grade.n";
cout << "The first thing you will need to do is provide us with some basic information. Press enter when you are ready. n";
cout << "What is the percent grade cut off (the lowest grade possible) for an A ? " ;
cin >> cutoffa;
cout << "What is the percent grade cut off for an B? " ;
cin >> cutoffb;
cout << "What is the percent grade cut off for an C? " ;
cin >> cutoffc;
cout << "What is the percent grade cut off for an D? " ;
cin >> cutoffd;
cout << "Enter the student's first name: ";
cin >> firstname;
cout << "Enter the student's last name: ";
cin >> lastname;
cout << "Enter the student's overall grade percentage: ";
cin >> grade;
if (grade >= cutoffa)
 cout << firstname << " " << lastname << "'s Final Grade is " << grade << "%, which is an A! Congrats!";
 else if (grade < cutoffa && grade >= cutoffb)
 cout << firstname << " " << lastname << "'s Final Grade is " << grade << "%, which is a B! Pretty good, could be better though.";
 else if (grade < cutoffb && grade >= cutoffc)
 cout << firstname << " " << lastname << "'s Final Grade is " << grade << "%, which is a C! You're average - nothing more and nothing less.";
 else if (grade < cutoffc && grade >= cutoffd)
 cout << firstname << " " << lastname << "'s Final Grade is " << grade << "% which is D! Damn, you're stupid";
 else if (grade < cutoffd)
 cout << firstname << " " << lastname << "'s Final Grade is " << grade << "% which is an F! Have you considered dropping out?";
return 0;



if (grade >= cutoffa) cout << firstname << " " << lastname << "'s Final Grade is " << grade << "%, which is an A! Congrats!";

问题是,如果某人的名字像Jake Shams,它会打印出"Jake Shams的最终成绩是98%,这是a !"恭喜!"这里的错误是"Shams's",因为应该是"Shams's"。就像我说的,我是初学者这是我第一次使用if语句如果有人能告诉我如何让它,如果用户的姓以字母S结尾程序在S前加一个撇号,像这样:Jake Shams'


实际上,Jake Shams的是正确的,所以您不需要更改任何内容。

一些英语变体写成Jake Shams',但是,正式地,人们只在复数形式中省略所有格s(例如"all three cows' feet were digital")。

在任何正确的英语中,名字中的最后一个s都被s所取代(比如Jake Sham的),但是,为了方便讨论,你可以这样做:

if (grade >= cutoffa) {
     // Copy "lastname" and strip any terminating "s",
     // in advance of appending "'s" in a moment
     string lastname_possessive = lastname;
     if (lastname_possessive.back() == 's')
     cout << firstname << " " << lastname_possessive << "'s Final Grade is "
          << grade << "%, which is an A! Congrats!";
if (grade >= cutoffa) {
     string lastname_possessive = lastname;
     if (lastname_possessive.back() == 's')
     // Now do that appending
     lastname_possessive += "'s";
     cout << firstname << " " << lastname_possessive << " Final Grade is "
          << grade << "%, which is an A! Congrats!";


if (grade >= cutoffa) {
     string lastname_possessive = lastname;
     if (lastname_possessive.back() == 's')
        lastname_possessive += "'";  // technically wrong but sometimes used
        lastname_possessive += "'s";
     cout << firstname << " " << lastname_possessive << " Final Grade is "
          << grade << "%, which is an A! Congrats!";


我想lastname的类型是std::string。然后可以询问if (lastname.back() == 's')




给你一个旁注-被接受的变量名的书写方式是使用一种叫做"CAMEL CASE"的东西,这仅仅意味着你将变量"cutoffa"写成"cutoffa"。除了第一个单词外,每个单词的第一个字母都是大写的。它会让你的代码更容易读懂。如果你需要更多帮助,请告诉我。