
Need help do-while loop program? (C++)

本文关键字:c++ 程序 循环 帮助 do-while      更新时间:2023-10-16



// Used iomanip to display averages for possible three digit or greater answers.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Set up my program using only main()
int main()
    //Created the variable 'mark' so the user input can be stored and tested in the do-while condition.
    //Variable 'sum' and 'average' to calculate mark and then be tested against letter grades.
    //'counter' used to keep track of number of terms being averaged.
    double mark=0, sum=0, average=0;
    int counter=-1;
    // Do-while statement to test the loop. Gets input from user, and tests whether it is a a valid letter grade.
    // Marks below 0 or above 100 will test true and loop back re-promting the user for another mark.
    // If tested condition is false, then if statements then test the mark and output the letter grade.
    cout << "Please enter marks to calculate average, and enter -1 to stop and find letter equivalence. " << endl;
        if ( mark < 0 || mark > 100 )
            cout << "Entered mark is invalid. Please try again, or enter -1 to stop and find letter equivalence. " << endl;
        sum = sum + mark;
        cin >> mark;
    while ( mark != -1 );
    average = sum / counter ;
    //What happens when above statement is false...
    if (mark >= 90)
            cout << "The average of "<<setprecision(2)<<average<<"% is equivalent to a letter grade of A+ ";
    else if (mark >=80)
            cout << "The average of "<<setprecision(2)<<average<<"% is equivalent to a letter grade of A ";
    else if (mark >=70)
            cout << "The average of "<<setprecision(2)<<average<<"% is equivalent to a letter grade of B ";
    else if (mark >=60)
            cout << "The average of "<<setprecision(2)<<average<<"% is equivalent to a letter grade of C ";
    else if (mark >=50)
            cout << "The average of "<<setprecision(2)<<average<<"% is equivalent to a letter grade of D ";
            cout << "The average of "<<setprecision(2)<<average<<"% is equivalent to a letter grade of F ";
return 0;


  1. 你的成绩分配应该考虑average而不是marks。如果你使用标记,那么最后输入的值是-1,以退出你的do while循环,将用于评分,这将始终导致F级。

  2. do-while循环之后将endl添加到所有cout语句中。输出流可能已被缓冲,这可能导致cout语句不会出现在监视器上。endl将刷新输出流。


cout << "The average of "<<setprecision(2)<<average<<"% is equivalent to a letter grade of A+ " << endl;

