
for in function that call it self (nested functioning)

本文关键字:函数 嵌套 调用 self For      更新时间:2023-10-16

我通过样品说出我的意见…如果我们输入像{a,b,c,d}这样的a序列,如果我们选择每个子序列的元素个数3,它应该是输出的…A,b,c | A,b,d | A,c,d | b,c,d ....请注意,安排是重要的(我使用数组)它的某种输出的整个子集,其中包含一个序列的3个元素....

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int p = 0, q = 0, i;
void allinone(int thing[], int n, int sub, int tek[], int sum[])
    for (i = p;i <= n - sub + p;i++)
        tek[q] = thing[i];
        if (p < sub - 1)
            allinone(thing, n, sub, tek, sum);
        if (q == (sub - 1))
            for (auto out_p = 0;out_p <= p;out_p++)
                std::cout << tek[out_p] << "t";
            std::cout << "n";
    return; // not need
int main()
    constexpr int n=5, sub=3; //delete the constexpr if ur compiler is mingw
    /*std::cout << "enter array len : "; //add this if ur compiler is mingw
    std::cin >> n; // number of elements in sequence
    std::cout << "enter sub that u want: ";
    std::cin >> sub;*/ // subset 
    int sum[sub], tek[sub], thing[n];
    for (i = 0;i <= n - 1;i++)
        std::cin >> thing[i];
    allinone(thing, n, sub, tek, sum);
    return 0;




first for pormise me it will do this for the i=0,1    
doing for i=1{
sequence{a,b,c,d}   thing[0]=a,thing[1]=b,thing[2]=c,thing[3]=d
tek[0] = a ... go into if ... p=1 , q=1 ... and again its going into the #allinone2 ... 
now in the for its promise me to do this for i=1,2
doing for i=1
tek[1]= b ... go into if ... p=2 ,q=2 ... and again its going to #allinone3
another for its promise me to do this with i=2,3 
doing for i=2 
tek[2]= c .. go into the output if ... output a b c 
doing for i=3
tek[2]= d .. go into output if ... output a d d 
}get out of for 
end of the allinone3 
go into allinone 2 for 
q is not 2 ... 
doing for i=2 // i think this part made the problem ....
and ... 




2 3 3


#include <iostream>
// Don't use global variables for variables that are used
// to terminate recursion.
// int p = 0, q = 0, i;
void allinone(int thing[], int n, int p, int sub, int tek[], int sum[])
    int q = p;
    for (int i = p; i <= n - sub + p; i++)
        tek[q] = thing[i];
        if (p < sub - 1)
           allinone(thing, n, p+1, sub, tek, sum);
        if (q == (sub - 1))
            for (auto out_p = 0;out_p <= p;out_p++)
                std::cout << tek[out_p] << "t";
            std::cout << "n";

int main()
    constexpr int n=5, sub=3; //delete the constexpr if ur compiler is mingw
    /*std::cout << "enter array len : "; //add this if ur compiler is mingw
    std::cin >> n; // number of elements in sequence
    std::cout << "enter sub that u want: ";
    std::cin >> sub;*/ // subset 
    int sum[sub], tek[sub], thing[n];
    for (int i = 0;i <= n - 1;i++)
        std::cin >> thing[i];
    allinone(thing, n, 0, sub, tek, sum);
    return 0;