
"Member is private" although I don't access it from outside, when using trailing return type

本文关键字:返回类型 从外部 成员 管我 访问      更新时间:2023-10-16



  • call(f,arg):使用参数调用函数。只是我在某些情况下需要的包装
  • comp(f1,f2):返回两个函数的组合。返回一个表示这两个函数的组合的辅助函数


// Call f with one argument
template <class Fn, class Arg>
auto call(const Fn &f, const Arg & arg) -> decltype(f(arg)) {
    return f(arg);
// Helper functor for the function below
template<class Fn1, class Fn2>
class CompFn {
    Fn1 a;
    Fn2 b;
    CompFn(const Fn1 &f1, const Fn2 &f2) : a(f1), b(f2) {}
    template<class Arg> inline
    auto operator()(const Arg & arg) const -> decltype(call(b, call(a, arg))) {
        return call(b, call(a, arg));
/** Composition of f1 and f2 (f2 after f1). */
template<class Fn1, class Fn2>
CompFn<Fn1,Fn2> comp(const Fn1 &f1, const Fn2 &f2) {
    return CompFn<Fn1,Fn2>(f1, f2);


// Example: Take the length of the string and compare it against zero.
std::function<int(std::string)> stringLength = [](std::string s) { return s.size(); };
std::function<bool(int)> greaterZero = [](int x) { return x > 0; };
auto stringNotEmpty = comp(stringLength, greaterZero);
std::string testInput1 = "foo";
std::string testInput2 = "";


assert(call(stringNotEmpty,testInput1) == true);    // line 44
assert(call(stringNotEmpty,testInput2) == false);

编译输出(gcc 4.7,完整输出见下面的视频链接(:

prog.cpp:16:9: error: ‘std::function<bool(int)> CompFn<std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)>, std::function<bool(int)> >::b’ is private
prog.cpp:44:5: error: within this context
prog.cpp:15:9: error: ‘std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)> CompFn<std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)>, std::function<bool(int)> >::a’ is private
prog.cpp:44:5: error: within this context
prog.cpp:22:10: error: template instantiation depth exceeds maximum of 900 (use -ftemplate-depth= to increase the maximum) substituting ‘template<class Fn, class Arg> decltype (f(arg)) call(const Fn&, const Arg&) [with Fn = std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)>; Arg = std::basic_string<char>]’
prog.cpp:22:10:   required by substitution of ‘template<class Arg> decltype (call(((const CompFn*)this)->CompFn<Fn1, Fn2>::b, call(((const CompFn*)this)->CompFn<Fn1, Fn2>::a, arg))) CompFn::operator()(const Arg&) const [with Arg = Arg; Fn1 = std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)>; Fn2 = std::function<bool(int)>] [with Arg = std::basic_string<char>]’
prog.cpp:8:6:   required by substitution of ‘template<class Fn, class Arg> decltype (f(arg)) call(const Fn&, const Arg&) [with Fn = std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)>; Arg = std::basic_string<char>]’
prog.cpp:22:10:   required by substitution of ‘template<class Arg> decltype (call(((const CompFn*)this)->CompFn<Fn1, Fn2>::b, call(((const CompFn*)this)->CompFn<Fn1, Fn2>::a, arg))) CompFn::operator()(const Arg&) const [with Arg = Arg; Fn1 = std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)>; Fn2 = std::function<bool(int)>] [with Arg = std::basic_string<char>]’
prog.cpp:8:6:   required by substitution of ‘template<class Fn, class Arg> decltype (f(arg)) call(const Fn&, const Arg&) [with Fn = std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)>; Arg = std::basic_string<char>]’
prog.cpp:22:10:   required by substitution of ‘template<class Arg> decltype (call(((const CompFn*)this)->CompFn<Fn1, Fn2>::b, call(((const CompFn*)this)->CompFn<Fn1, Fn2>::a, arg))) CompFn::operator()(const Arg&) const [with Arg = Arg; Fn1 = std::function<int(std::basic_string<char>)>; Fn2 = std::function<bool(int)>] [with Arg = std::basic_string<char>]’
prog.cpp:8:6:   [ skipping 890 instantiation contexts ]
[ ...continues endlessly... ]




  • Test1--直接调用组合-->确定
  • Test2—使用call调用组合-->错误
  • Test3--将组合强制转换为std::函数,然后使用call-->OK调用
  • 测试4——使用call调用作文。固定返回类型Comp::operator()bool-->OK





template<class Arg> inline
auto operator()(const Arg & arg) const -> decltype(call(Fn1(), call(Fn2(), arg))) {
    return call(b, call(a, arg));