
Switch statements with case ranges, is it possible?

本文关键字:语句 范围 case      更新时间:2023-10-16

所以我在一个开关语句工作,但我不太确定如果我这样做是正确的。这是我使用c++ (visual studio 2010)编写的第一个小程序,我不确定我是否正确使用了switch语句。我要做的是让一个人输入数字。我设置了一个计数器来计算输入的数量,并且我有一个运行总数来输出所有输入数字的总和。

while (additional_input > 0) 
    cout << "Enter additional number, use 0 to exit: ";
    cin >> additional_input ;
    count ++; //increment the counter
    //Do the addition
    sum += additional_input; //sum up all inputs
} //end of the while statement 
switch (sum){ //this is where I get into trouble
case 0-99: cout << "nn"; //original question, can I do this?
    cout << "Thank you. The sum of your numbers is........: " << sum << endl ;
    cout << "The total number of inputs read..............: " << count << endl;
    cout << "The sum of your numbers is less than 100" << endl;
    return 0;
case 100: cout << "nn"; //and so on



case -99:


case 0-99


if( sum >= 0 && sum <= 99 )

包括gcc在内的一些编译器提供大小写范围作为扩展,但这会使您的代码非标准且不可移植,并且由于您使用的是Visual Studio,因此可能不适用。


while (additional_input > 0) 
    cout << "Enter additional number, use 0 to exit: ";
    cin >> additional_input ;
    count ++; //increment counter
    //Do the addition
    sum += additional_input; //sum up all inputs
} //end of the while statement 
if (sum < 100){ //set condition for option 1
    option =1;}
else if (sum == 100){//set condition for option 2
    option =2;}
else if (sum > 100)
{option = 3; //last resort option 3
switch (option)
case 1: cout << "nn";//new line
    cout << "Thank you. The sum of your numbers is........: " << sum << endl ;
    cout << "The total number of inputs read..............: " << count << endl;
    cout << "The sum of your numbers is less than 100" << endl;
case 2: cout << "nn";//new line
