
undeclared identifier, object vector

本文关键字:对象 向量 标识符 未声明      更新时间:2023-10-16



1>------ Build started: Project: Aquarium, Configuration: Release x64 ------
1>  Fish.cpp
1>c:userslloyd17dropboxaquarium projectaquariumaquariumEntityControl.h(21): error C2065: 'Fish': undeclared identifier
1>c:userslloyd17dropboxaquarium projectaquariumaquariumEntityControl.h(21): error C2059: syntax error: '>'
1>c:userslloyd17dropboxaquarium projectaquariumaquariumEntityControl.h(21): error C2976: 'std::vector': too few template arguments
1>  C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0VCincludevector(682): note: see declaration of 'std::vector'
1>c:userslloyd17dropboxaquarium projectaquariumaquariumEntityControl.h(24): error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'Fish'
1>  LooseCalculationClass.cpp
1>c:userslloyd17dropboxaquarium projectaquariumaquariumEntityControl.h(21): error C2065: 'Fish': undeclared identifier
1>c:userslloyd17dropboxaquarium projectaquariumaquariumEntityControl.h(21): error C2059: syntax error: '>'
1>c:userslloyd17dropboxaquarium projectaquariumaquariumEntityControl.h(21): error C2976: 'std::vector': too few template arguments
1>  C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0VCincludevector(682): note: see declaration of 'std::vector'
1>c:userslloyd17dropboxaquarium projectaquariumaquariumEntityControl.h(24): error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'Fish'
1>LooseCalculationClass.cpp(7): warning C4551: function call missing argument list
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "EntityControl.h"
class Fish
    //location of the fish
    unsigned int _xLocation = 0, _yLocation = 0, _zLocation = 0;
    //name of fish
    std::string nameOfFish;
    unsigned int speed;
    Fish(std::string name, unsigned int fishSpeed)
        nameOfFish = name;
        speed = fishSpeed;
    int getX() const;
    int getY() const;
    int getZ() const;
    std::string getName() const;
    void changeX(unsigned int x);
    void changeY(unsigned int y);
    void changeZ(unsigned int z);
    void move();



#include "Fish.h"

int Fish::getX() const
    return _xLocation;
int Fish::getY() const
    return _yLocation;
int Fish::getZ() const
    return _zLocation;
std::string Fish::getName() const
    return nameOfFish;
void Fish::changeX(unsigned int x)
    _xLocation = x;
void Fish::changeY(unsigned int y)
    _yLocation = y;
void Fish::changeZ(unsigned int z)
    _zLocation = z;
void Fish::move()
    EntityControl entity;
    unsigned int x = rand() % entity.getXContainer();
    unsigned int y = rand() % entity.getYContainer();
    unsigned int z = rand() % entity.getZContainer();




using namespace std;
#include "EntityControl.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "LooseCalculationClass.h"
#include <thread>
#include "Fish.h"

int main() {
    /*Not using new in object definitions so I don't have to delete them afterwards since pointers don't stay in memory*/
    bool running = true;
    //defining my objects for functions
    EntityControl entity;
    LooseCalculationClass calc;
    vector<Fish*> fishVector;
    Fish a("Lloyd", 200);
    std::thread t1(&EntityControl::movementController, entity, &fishVector);
    //std::thread t2(&LooseCalculationClass::userInput, calc);

    //main gameloop, prints out the results for every fish, waits a bit and then refreshes the screen
            for (auto Fish_ptr : fishVector) {
     return 0;


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Fish.h"
#include <random>
#include <array> 
#include <Windows.h>
class EntityControl
/*Didn't make a separate object because I only 
needed the x,y,z of the fish container although it is against the rules of object oriented programming*/
    const unsigned int _xContainer = 20;
    const unsigned int _yContainer = 60;
    const unsigned int _zContainer = 40;
    /*grabs the location of a vector of fish pointers, then takes the 
    vector and accesses every object threw it's data location with dereferencing.
    (Controls the movement of the fish and prevents collision)*/
    void movementController(std::vector<Fish*> *fishInputVector);//thread!!
    //ACHTUNG! fishInput is the fish to check the surrounding of, changing this might bring up unexpected errors
    bool CheckCollision(Fish* fishInput , Fish* fishInput2);
    int getXContainer() const;
    int getYContainer() const;
    int getZContainer() const;


#include "EntityControl.h"
    /*if the container was much larger,
    then multiple threads would be a better solution*/ 
void EntityControl::movementController(std::vector<Fish*> * fishInputVector)
    while (true) {

        for (auto fish_ptr : *fishInputVector) {
bool EntityControl::CheckCollision(Fish * fishInput, Fish * fishInput2)
    //collision true/false
    bool collision = false;
    //collision detectors
    bool xCollision = false;
    bool yCollision = false;
    bool zCollision = false;
    unsigned int xOriginal = fishInput->getX();
    unsigned int yOriginal = fishInput->getY();
    unsigned int zOriginal = fishInput->getZ();
    unsigned int xEntity = fishInput2->getX();
    unsigned int yEntity = fishInput2->getY();
    unsigned int zEntity = fishInput2->getZ();
    //directions, (triggerBox)
    if (xOriginal - 1 == xEntity || xOriginal + 1 == xEntity || xOriginal == xEntity) { xCollision = true; }
    if (yOriginal - 1 == yEntity || yOriginal + 1 == yEntity || yOriginal == yEntity) { yCollision = true; }
    if (zOriginal - 1 == zEntity || zOriginal + 1 == zEntity || zOriginal == zEntity) { zCollision = true; }

    //returns true if all 3 directions are true
    if (xCollision && yCollision && zCollision) { collision = true; }
    return collision;

int EntityControl::getYContainer() const
    return _yContainer;
int EntityControl::getXContainer() const
    return _xContainer;
int EntityControl::getZContainer() const
    return _xContainer;


问题在于,当您包含EntityControl.h时,您还包含了Fish.h,该指的是在Fish.h中定义的Fish。然而,EntityControl.h指的是Fish.h,由于pragma once指令,它不会被包括在内。如果你删除pragma once,那么你会得到一个无限循环,因为循环依赖。

使用前向声明来解决循环依赖的问题。将Fish.h中的#include "EntityControl.h"去掉,改为class EntityControl;

您也可以从EntityControl.h中删除#include "Fish.h";,并代之以class Fish;