
Clang and Intel fail to compile this CRTP code

本文关键字:CRTP 代码 编译 Intel Clang      更新时间:2023-10-16

我编写了一个使用了大量c++ 11元编程技术和CRTP的小库,它在g++ 4.7.2下可以很好地编译

现在,我尝试用Intel icpc编译它,它产生了数百个错误。所以我试着把问题一个接一个地分离出来。

所以,首先,考虑这段代码,在g++ 4.7.2 下编译没有问题
#include <iostream>
template<template<typename> class Crtp, typename Type>
struct Base {};
template<typename Type>
struct Derived : public Base<Derived, Type>
    Derived(): Base<Derived, Type>() {;}
int main()
    Derived<int> x;
    return 0;


test_crtp.cpp(26): error: type "Derived<Type>::Derived" is not a class template
      Derived(): Base<Derived, Type>() {;}
test_crtp.cpp(26): error: "Base" is not a nonstatic data member or base class of class "Derived<int>"
      Derived(): Base<Derived, Type>() {;}
          detected during instantiation of "Derived<Type>::Derived() [with Type=int]" at line 31
compilation aborted for test_crtp.cpp (code 2)


在类Derived中,名称Derived指的是(实例化的)类,而不是类模板。试着用Base< ::Derived, Type>代替(注意在<和::)。>

c++模板完整指南 (Amazon)的9.2.3节中,有关于注入类名的讨论。引用:


template<template<typename> class TT> 
class X {};
template<typename T> 
class C 
    Ca;        // OK: same as ''C<T> a;''
    C<void> b; // OK
    X<C> c;    // ERROR: C without a template argument list
               // does not denote a template
    X<::C> d;  // ERROR: <: is an alternative token for [
    X< ::C> e; // OK: the space between < and :: is required


所以在你的代码中发生的是Base<Derived, Type>被解释为Base<Derived<Type>, Type>,这是病态的。因此,您需要使用范围限定符::,并在<之间加一个空格,以避免出现有向图。