
Why do I get compilation errors in iterator_facade depending on where I put my Boost header includes?

本文关键字:我的 取决于 Boost 在哪里 包含 错误 iterator facade 为什么 编译      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
// more #includes


Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line
Error   C2976   'boost::iterators::detail::postfix_increment_result': too few template arguments    testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  789
Error   C1903   unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation  testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  790
Error   C2143   syntax error: missing ';' before '++'   testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  790
Error   C2059   syntax error: ','   testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  534
Error   C2059   syntax error: ','   testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  541
Error   C2059   syntax error: ','   testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  600
Error   C2059   syntax error: ','   testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  606
Error   C2059   syntax error: ','   testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  789
Error   C4430   missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int    testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  790
Error   C2433   'type': 'inline' not permitted on data declarations testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  790
Error   C2888   'if_<T1,T2,T3>::type type': symbol cannot be defined within namespace 'iterators'   testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  790
Error   C2976   'boost::iterators::iterator_facade': too few template arguments testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  534
Error   C2976   'boost::iterators::iterator_facade': too few template arguments testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  541
Error   C2976   'boost::iterators::iterator_facade': too few template arguments testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  600
Error   C2976   'boost::iterators::iterator_facade': too few template arguments testProject C:boost_1_59_0boostiteratoriterator_facade.hpp  606


#include <boost/program_options.hpp>


我的配置:VS 2015 on Windows 8.1, Boost 1.59.0, x86项目,使用/MT构建



1>  INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR in 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0VCbinCL.exe'
1>      Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
1>      Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information



这个错误'boost::iterators::detail::postfix_increment_result': too few template arguments正是我所期望的,如果它是一些模板定义和编译器第二次遇到定义。