
B-Tree Node Splitting Techniques

本文关键字:技术 分割 树节点      更新时间:2023-10-16


    #define D 2
    #define DD 2*D
    typedef btreenode* btree;
    typedef struct node
        int keys[DD];  //D == 2 and DD == 2*D;
        btree pointers[DD+1];
        int index; //used to iterate throught the "keys" array
    void splitNode(btree* parent, btree* child1, btree* child2)
        //Copies the content from the splitted node to the children
        (*child1)->key[0] = (*parent)->key[0];
        (*child1)->key[1] = (*parent)->key[1];
        (*child2)->key[0] = (*parent)->key[2];
        (*child2)->key[1] = (*parent)->key[3];
        (*child1)->index = 1;
        (*child2)->index = 1;
        //"Clears" the parent node from any data
        for(int i = 0; i<DD; i++) (*parent)->key[i] = -1;
        for(int i = 0; i<DD+1; i++) (*parent)->pointers[i] = NULL
        //Fixed the pointers to the children
        (*parent)->index = 0;
        //the line bellow was taken out for creating a new node  that didn't have to be there.
        //(*parent)->key[(*parent)->index] = newNode(); // The newNode() function allocs and inserts a the new key that I need to insert.
        (*parent)->pointers[index] = (*child1);
        (*parent)->pointers[index+1] = (*child2);

