
program.exe has stopped working after running it

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85 100 90 85 97 92 72 88 79 86 97 89 67 96 84 96 93 77 56 77 85 100 84<<p>


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE =46; // This is the maximum student's scores

// Here is my function prototyoe
void readScores   ( int array[], int *pLast);
void insertionSort( int *ptr, int SIZE);
void displayArray ( int array[], int *pLast);
double calAverage ( int array[], int *pLast);
int *calLowest    ( int array[], int *pLast);
int *calHighest   ( int array[], int *pLast);
double calStandDevi (int array[], int *pLast);
void printResult   ( int array[], int *pLast);
int main()
    int num_scores;
    int array[SIZE];
    int *ptr = array;      // Here is my pointer that point to the array
    int *pLast = array + SIZE-1;    // Here is my last pointer.
    // I need to initialize the average, lowest, highest scores and stand deviation so that I can call my function.
    double avg, stand_deviation;
    int *get_lowest, *get_highest;
    // to open, work and save my file. I need to initialize this.
    ifstream inputFile;
    ofstream outputFile;
    cout << "Welcome to my third program!!!" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Here is my eight function call.
    readScores( array, pLast);
    avg = calAverage(array,pLast);
    get_lowest = calLowest(array,pLast);
    get_highest = calHighest(array,pLast);
    stand_deviation = calStandDevi(array,pLast);
    printResult( array, pLast);
    //cout << num_scores << endl; // just the test if I read the correct scores from the inputfile

    return 0;
// Here is my first function definition which is read scores from the input file.
void readScores ( int array[], int *pLast )
    int num_scores;
    ifstream inputFile;
    inputFile.open("scores.txt");   // I open the file.
    inputFile >> num_scores;        // I read the file.
    for ( int *ptr = array; ptr <= pLast; ptr++)
            inputFile >> *ptr;
        inputFile.close();  // I close the file.
// Here is my second function definition to sort the array in ascending order using Insertion Sort.
void insertionSort(int *ptr, int SIZE)
   for (int curr =1; curr < SIZE; curr++)
           int hold = *(ptr+curr);
           int back = *(ptr-1+curr);
             while( hold < *(ptr-1+curr) && (curr > 0))
                    *(ptr+curr)= *(ptr-1+curr);
            *(ptr+curr) = hold;
// Here is my third function definition which  sorted array 10 numbers per line.
void displayArray ( int array[], int *pLast)
    int count =0;
    for (int *ptr = array; ptr <= pLast; ptr++)
        cout << *ptr << " ";
        if ( count % 10 == 0)
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
// Here is my fourth function definition which calculate the average.
double calAverage( int array[], int *pLast)
    double sum1 =0;
    double avg;
    for ( int *ptr = array; ptr <= pLast; ptr++)
        sum1 += *ptr;
        avg = sum1/SIZE;
       return avg;
// Here is my fifth function definition which calculate the lowest score.
int *calLowest ( int array[], int *pLast)
    int *get_lowest = array;
    for ( int *ptr = array; ptr <= pLast; ptr++)
        if(*get_lowest > *ptr)
            get_lowest = ptr;
    return get_lowest;
// Here is my sixth function definition which calculate the highest score.
int *calHighest ( int array[], int *pLast)
    int *get_highest = array;
    for ( int *ptr = array; ptr <= pLast; ptr++)
            if ( *get_highest < *ptr)
    return get_highest;
// Here is my seventh definition which calculate the stand deviation
double calStandDevi (int array[], int *pLast)
    double sum2=0;
    double avg;
    double sum_deviation=0.0;
    double stand_deviation = 0.0;
    for ( int *ptr = array; ptr <= pLast; ptr++)
            sum2 += *ptr;
            avg = sum2/SIZE;
            sum_deviation += pow((*ptr-avg), 2.0);
            stand_deviation = sqrt(sum_deviation/SIZE-1);
    return stand_deviation;
// Here is my last function definition which print the result.
void printResult ( int array[], int *pLast)
    double avg, stand_deviation;
    int *get_lowest, *get_highest;
    cout << "The average score is " << avg << endl;
    cout << "The lowest score is " << *get_lowest << endl;
    cout << "The highest score is " << *get_highest << endl;
    cout << "The standard deviation is " << stand_deviation << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Have a great day!!!" << endl;





void printResult ( int array[], int *pLast)
    double avg, stand_deviation;
    int *get_lowest, *get_highest;
    cout << "The average score is " << avg << endl;
    cout << "The lowest score is " << *get_lowest << endl;
    cout << "The highest score is " << *get_highest << endl;
    cout << "The standard deviation is " << stand_deviation << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Have a great day!!!" << endl;


