
boost::regex with case-insensitive match with UTF-8 (e.g. uppercase versus lowercase umlauts)

本文关键字:大写字母 小写字 UTF-8 不区 regex 大小写 boost 匹配      更新时间:2023-10-16

在构建支持Unicode国际组件(ICU)的boost::regex 1.52版本库后,具有不区分大小写匹配的正则表达式似乎不能像预期的那样处理大写和小写的德国变音符。

static const std::string pattern("^.*" "303226" ".*$");
static const std::string   test1("SCH" "303226" "NE");
static const std::string   test2("sch" "303266" "ne");
static const boost::regex exp(pattern, boost::regex::icase);
const char *result = (boost::regex_match(test1, exp)) ? "Match" : "NoMatch";
std::cout << "Testing "" << test1 << "" against pattern "" << pattern 
    << "" : " << result << std::endl;
result = (boost::regex_match(test2, exp)) ? "Match" : "NoMatch";
std::cout << "Testing "" << test2 << "" against pattern "" << pattern 
    << "" : " << result << std::endl;


Testing "SCHÖNE" against pattern "^.*Ö.*$" : Match
Testing "schöne" against pattern "^.*Ö.*$" : NoMatch



#include <iostream>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/regex/icu.hpp>
int main()
   static const std::string pattern("^.*" "303226" ".*$");
   static const std::string   test1("SCH" "303226" "NE");
   static const std::string   test2("sch" "303266" "ne");
   static const boost::u32regex exp=boost::make_u32regex(pattern, boost::regex::icase);
   const char *result = (boost::u32regex_match(test1, exp)) ? "Match" : "NoMatch";
   std::cout << "Testing "" << test1 << "" against pattern "" << pattern 
      << "" : " << result << std::endl;
   result = (boost::u32regex_match(test2, exp)) ? "Match" : "NoMatch";
   std::cout << "Testing "" << test2 << "" against pattern "" << pattern 
      << "" : " << result << std::endl;