如何打印正在用LLDB调试的C/ c++函数的内存地址和参数值

How to print the memory address and the value of the arguments of a C/C++ function that is being debugged with LLDB?

本文关键字:c++ 函数 地址 参数 内存 调试 打印 何打印 LLDB      更新时间:2023-10-16



HITestBox`_SMenuItemCommandID(MenuData*, unsigned short, unsigned long):
0x9a7bfc35:  pushl  %ebp
0x9a7bfc36:  movl   %esp, %ebp
0x9a7bfc38:  pushl  %esi
0x9a7bfc39:  subl   $52, %esp
0x9a7bfc3c:  movl   8(%ebp), %esi
0x9a7bfc3f:  movl   88(%esi), %eax
0x9a7bfc42:  movl   %eax, -16(%ebp)
0x9a7bfc45:  movzwl 12(%ebp), %ecx
0x9a7bfc49:  movw   %cx, -12(%ebp)
0x9a7bfc4d:  movl   $0, -8(%ebp)
0x9a7bfc54:  leal   -8(%ebp), %edx
0x9a7bfc57:  movl   %edx, 28(%esp)
0x9a7bfc5b:  movl   %ecx, 4(%esp)
0x9a7bfc5f:  movl   %eax, (%esp)
0x9a7bfc62:  movl   $0, 24(%esp)
0x9a7bfc6a:  movl   $4, 20(%esp)
0x9a7bfc72:  movl   $0, 16(%esp)
0x9a7bfc7a:  movl   $1835232612, 12(%esp)
0x9a7bfc82:  movl   $12, 8(%esp)
0x9a7bfc8a:  calll  0x9a5f7c9b                ; elementGetDataAtIndex
0x9a7bfc8f:  movl   16(%ebp), %eax
0x9a7bfc92:  cmpl   %eax, -8(%ebp)
0x9a7bfc95:  je     0x9a7bfcae                ; _SMenuItemCommandID(MenuData*, unsigned short, unsigned long) + 121
0x9a7bfc97:  movl   %eax, 4(%esp)
0x9a7bfc9b:  leal   -16(%ebp), %eax
0x9a7bfc9e:  movl   %eax, (%esp)
0x9a7bfca1:  calll  0x9a7e2914                ; mID::SetCommandID(unsigned long)
0x9a7bfca6:  movl   %esi, (%esp)
0x9a7bfca9:  calll  0x9a5f7c65                ; invalidate(MenuData*)
0x9a7bfcae:  xorl   %eax, %eax
0x9a7bfcb0:  addl   $52, %esp
0x9a7bfcb3:  popl   %esi
0x9a7bfcb4:  popl   %ebp
0x9a7bfcb5:  ret    


MenuData *myData = (MenuData *)0x28ff44;;
SMenuItemCommandID(myData, 3, 4);


arg0 = 0x28ff44   
arg1 =3  
arg2 =4  


# The return address:
x/w $esp
# The first argument:
x/w $esp+4
# The second argument:
x/w $esp+8


# The saved frame pointer of the previous frame:
x/w $ebp
# The return address:
x/w $ebp+4
# The first argument:
x/w $ebp+8
# The second argument:
x/w $ebp+12
