使用 Nvidia 的推力库规范化一堆矢量

Normalize a bunch of vectors using Nvidia's Thrust library

本文关键字:一堆 规范化 Nvidia 使用      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <cstdio>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
struct normalize_functor: public thrust::unary_function<double4, double4>
    __device__ __host__ double4 operator()(double4 v)
        double len = sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
        v.x /= len;
        v.y /= len;
        v.z /= len;
        printf("%f %f %fn", v.x, v.y, v.z);
int main()
    thrust::host_vector<double4> v(2);
    v[0].x = 1; v[0].y = 2; v[0].z = 3;
    v[1].x = 4; v[1].y = 5; v[1].z = 6;
    thrust::device_vector<double4> v_d = v; 
    thrust::for_each(v_d.begin(), v_d.end(), normalize_functor());
    // This doesn't seem to copy back
    v = v_d;
    // Neither this does..
    thrust::host_vector<double4> result = v_d;
    for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++)
        printf("[ %f %f %f ]n", result[i].x, result[i].y, result[i].z);
    return 0;



for_each将函数对象f应用于[first, last)范围内的每个元素;F的返回值(如果有的话)将被忽略。


下一步是数据排列。我只是选择了double4,因为这将导致两个读取指令ld.v2。f64和ld.f64 IIRC。然而,我想知道如何在引擎盖下获取数据(以及创建多少cuda线程/块)。如果我选择一个由4个向量组成的结构体,它是否能够以合并的方式获取数据?




#include <cstdio>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
struct normalize_functor
    __device__ __host__ void operator()(double4& v)
        double len = sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
        v.x /= len;
        v.y /= len;
        v.z /= len;
int main()
    int n = 10000;
    thrust::host_vector<double4> v(n);
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        v[i].x = rand();
        v[i].y = rand();
        v[i].z = rand();
    thrust::device_vector<double4> v_d = v;
    thrust::for_each(v_d.begin(), v_d.end(), normalize_functor());
    v = v_d;
    return 0;


Kernel Occupancy Analysis
Kernel details : Grid size: 23 x 1 x 1, Block size: 448 x 1 x 1
Register Ratio      = 0.984375  ( 32256 / 32768 ) [24 registers per thread] 
Shared Memory Ratio     = 0 ( 0 / 49152 ) [0 bytes per Block] 
Active Blocks per SM        = 3 / 8
Active threads per SM       = 1344 / 1536
Potential Occupancy     = 0.875  ( 42 / 48 )
Max achieved occupancy  = 0.583333  (on 9 SMs)
Min achieved occupancy  = 0.291667  (on 5 SMs)
Occupancy limiting factor   = Block-Size
Memory Throughput Analysis for kernel launch_closure_by_value on device GeForce GTX 470
Kernel requested global memory read throughput(GB/s): 29.21
Kernel requested global memory write throughput(GB/s): 17.52
Kernel requested global memory throughput(GB/s): 46.73
L1 cache read throughput(GB/s): 100.40
L1 cache global hit ratio (%): 48.15
Texture cache memory throughput(GB/s): 0.00
Texture cache hit rate(%): 0.00
L2 cache texture memory read throughput(GB/s): 0.00
L2 cache global memory read throughput(GB/s): 42.44
L2 cache global memory write throughput(GB/s): 46.73
L2 cache global memory throughput(GB/s): 89.17
L2 cache read hit ratio(%): 88.86
L2 cache write hit ratio(%): 3.09
Local memory bus traffic(%): 0.00
Global memory excess load(%): 31.18
Global memory excess store(%): 62.50
Achieved global memory read throughput(GB/s): 4.73
Achieved global memory write throughput(GB/s): 45.29
Achieved global memory throughput(GB/s): 50.01
Peak global memory throughput(GB/s): 133.92



struct normalize_functor
    __device__ __host__ void operator()(double4& ref)
        double v = ref;
        double len = sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
        v.x /= len;
        v.y /= len;
        v.z /= len;
        printf("%f %f %fn", v.x, v.y, v.z);
        ref = v;


thrust::transform(v_d.begin(), v_d.end(), v_d.begin(), normalize_functor());


关于优化的问题,没有太多可以用Thrust做的事情——这并不是库的真正意图。Nathan Bell是Thrust的作者之一,他已经在这个帖子中发帖了,我不想为他说话,我们的目标是以一种简单、直观的方式为GPU提供一系列数据并行算法,而无需编写太多CUDA代码。在我看来,它在这方面非常成功。许多thrust内核的内核性能接近最先进的水平,但是总有一些优化可以在特定情况下完成,这在通用模板代码中是不容易做到的。这是您为Thrust提供的易用性和灵活性所付出的部分代价。


struct normalize_functor
    __device__ __host__ void operator()(double4& v)
        double4 nv = v;
        double len = sqrt(nv.x*nv.x + nv.y*nv.y + nv.z*nv.z);
        nv.x /= len;
        nv.y /= len;
        nv.z /= len;
        v = nv;

现在,虽然它不像原来那样漂亮,但它应该确保编译器发出矢量化的加载和存储指令。我在过去看到过这样的情况,编译器会优化掉vector类型中未使用成员的加载和存储,这会导致PTX生成器发出标量的加载和存储,从而导致合并中断。通过使用一个明确的float4加载和存储,并确保使用了结构的每个元素,它可以避免至少在2中出现的不必要的"优化"。X和3。X NVCC版本。我不确定4.0编译器是否仍然是这种情况。