
Registering a class member function as a callback to a function using std::bind

本文关键字:函数 注册 回调 std bind 使用 成员      更新时间:2023-10-16

我试图注册一个类成员函数作为(常规)回调函数。除非我误解了什么,否则使用std::bind(使用c++ 11)应该可以实现这一点。我这样做:

std::function<void (GLFWwindow*, unsigned int)> cb = std::bind(&InputManager::charInputCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);


void InputManager::charInputCallback(GLFWwindow* window, unsigned int key)


cb(NULL, 0x62);



glfwSetCharCallback(window, (GLFWcharfun) &cb);





GLFWcharfun glfwSetCharCallback (   GLFWwindow *    window,
                                    GLFWcharfun     cbfun 

其中GLFWcharfun定义为typedef void(* GLFWcharfun) (GLFWwindow *, unsigned int)



#include <map>
#include <mutex>
struct GLFWwindow {};
typedef void(* GLFWcharfun) (GLFWwindow *, unsigned int);
GLFWcharfun glfwSetCharCallback (   GLFWwindow *    window,
                                 GLFWcharfun    cbfun

struct InputManager;
struct WindowToInputManager
    struct impl
        void associate(GLFWwindow* window, InputManager* manager)
            auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex_);
            mapping_[window] = manager;
        void disassociate(GLFWwindow* window, InputManager* manager)
            auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex_);
        InputManager* find(GLFWwindow* window) const
            auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex_);
            auto i = mapping_.find(window);
            if (i == mapping_.end())
                return nullptr;
                return i->second;
        mutable std::mutex mutex_;
        std::map<GLFWwindow*, InputManager*> mapping_;
    static impl& get_impl() {
        static impl i {};
        return i;
    void associate(GLFWwindow* window, InputManager* manager)
        get_impl().associate(window, manager);
    void disassociate(GLFWwindow* window, InputManager* manager)
        get_impl().disassociate(window, manager);
    InputManager* find(GLFWwindow* window)
        return get_impl().find(window);
struct InputManager
    void init()
        // how to set up the callback?
        // first, associate the window with this input manager
        callback_mapper_.associate(window_, this);
        // now use a proxy as the callback
        glfwSetCharCallback(window_, &InputManager::handleCharCallback);
    static void handleCharCallback(GLFWwindow *     window,
                           unsigned int ch)
        // proxy locates the handler
        if(auto self = callback_mapper_.find(window))
            self->charInputCallback(window, ch);
    void charInputCallback(GLFWwindow *     window,
                           int ch)
        // do something here

    GLFWwindow* window_;
    static WindowToInputManager callback_mapper_;    


#include <map>
#include <mutex>
struct GLFWwindow {};
typedef void(* GLFWcharfun) (GLFWwindow *, unsigned int);
GLFWcharfun glfwSetCharCallback (   GLFWwindow *    window,
                                 GLFWcharfun    cbfun

struct InputManager;
struct WindowToInputManager
    using sig_type = void (GLFWwindow *, unsigned int);
    using func_type = std::function<sig_type>;
    struct impl
        void associate(GLFWwindow* window, func_type func)
            auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex_);
            mapping_[window] = std::move(func);
        void disassociate(GLFWwindow* window)
            auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex_);
        const func_type* find(GLFWwindow* window) const
            auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex_);
            auto i = mapping_.find(window);
            if (i == mapping_.end())
                return nullptr;
                return std::addressof(i->second);
        mutable std::mutex mutex_;
        std::map<GLFWwindow*, func_type> mapping_;
    static impl& get_impl() {
        static impl i {};
        return i;
    template<class F>
    void associate(GLFWwindow* window, F&& f)
        get_impl().associate(window, std::forward<F>(f));
        glfwSetCharCallback(window, &WindowToInputManager::handleCharCallback);
    void disassociate(GLFWwindow* window)
        // call whatever is the reverse of glfwSetCharCallback here
        // then remove from the map
    const func_type* find(GLFWwindow* window)
        return get_impl().find(window);
    static void handleCharCallback(GLFWwindow* w, unsigned int ch)
        auto f = get_impl().find(w);
        // note - possible race here if handler calls disasociate. better to return a copy of the function?
        if (f) {
            (*f)(w, ch);
struct InputManager
    void init()
        callback_mapper_.associate(window_, [this](auto* window, int ch) { this->charInputCallback(window, ch); });
    void charInputCallback(GLFWwindow * window,
                           int ch)
        // do something here

    GLFWwindow* window_;
    WindowToInputManager callback_mapper_;