
Substitute fully instantiated classes with partially instantiated ancestor classes

本文关键字:实例化 祖先 用部      更新时间:2023-10-16


Cuvector, dynamic_array, Tstd::is_arithmetic时,





所有工作正常,但在派生的,完全实例化类A, C, D中,我想删除解决parent定义。


#include <iostream>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
// Definition of used types.
template<typename T> struct dynamic_array {};
template<typename T> struct uvector {};
struct A : public uvector<double> { typedef uvector<double> parent; };
struct C : public A { typedef A parent; };
struct D : public std::array<double,5> { typedef std::array<double,5> parent; };
template<typename T> struct B : public uvector<T> { typedef uvector<T> parent; };
template<typename T> struct container_reference {};
// Catches 'false', A, C, D  ======== HERE IT IS !!! ========
template<typename C> struct accepted_dense_vector
    template<typename C1 = C>
    static typename std::enable_if<accepted_dense_vector<typename C1::parent>::value, std::true_type>::type helper(const C&);
    static std::false_type helper(...);
    constexpr static bool value = decltype(helper(std::declval<C>()))::value;
// Catches C<T>
template<template<typename> class C, typename T>
struct accepted_dense_vector<C<T>>
    constexpr static bool value = std::is_arithmetic<T>::value &&
        (std::is_base_of<uvector<T>, C<T>>::value || std::is_base_of<dynamic_array<T>, C<T>>::value);
// Catches std::array<T,S>
template<typename T, size_t S>
struct accepted_dense_vector<std::array<T,S>>
    { constexpr static bool value = std::is_arithmetic<T>::value; };
// Catches container_reference<C>
template<typename C>
struct accepted_dense_vector<container_reference<C>>
    { constexpr static bool value = accepted_dense_vector<C>::value; };
int main()
{ // Tests!
    cout << accepted_dense_vector<std::array<double, 5>>::value << endl;
    cout << accepted_dense_vector<uvector<double>>::value << endl;
    cout << accepted_dense_vector<A>::value << endl;
    cout << accepted_dense_vector<D>::value << endl;
    cout << accepted_dense_vector<B<int>>::value << endl;
    cout << accepted_dense_vector<container_reference<uvector<double>>>::value << endl;
    cout << accepted_dense_vector<int>::value << endl;
    return 0;


template<typename T>
struct forwarder
    constexpr static bool value = accepted_dense_vector<T>::value;
template<typename T>
static forwarder<uvector<T>> inherit_uvector(uvector<T>*);
static std::false_type inherit_uvector(...);


constexpr static bool is_uvector = decltype(inherit_uvector(new C()))::value;
// C is the template parameter of accepted_dense_vector


  • 如果C继承uvector<T>,则选择第一个静态函数,decltype将返回forwarder<uvector<T>>。然后,'调用' ::value将调用accepted...
  • else,如果C没有继承uvector<T>,则选择第二个函数,decltype将返回std::false_type



#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Definition of used types.
template<typename T> struct uvector {};
template<typename T> struct dynamic_array {};
template<typename T> struct container_reference {};
struct A : public uvector<double> {};
template<typename T> struct B : public uvector<T> {};
struct C : public A {};
struct D : public std::array<double,5> {};
struct E : public uvector<string> {};
struct F : public std::array<string,16> {};
// Catches 'false', A, C, D  ======== HERE IT IS !!! ========
template<typename C>
struct accepted_dense_vector
   template<typename T>
   struct forwarder
      constexpr static bool value = accepted_dense_vector<T>::value;
   // uvector
   template<typename T>
   static forwarder<uvector<T>> inherit_uvector(uvector<T>*);
   static std::false_type inherit_uvector(...);
   // std::array
   template<typename T, size_t S>
   static forwarder<std::array<T,S>> inherit_stdarray(std::array<T,S>*);
   static std::false_type inherit_stdarray(...);
   // same for dynamic_array<T>
    constexpr static bool is_uvector = decltype(inherit_uvector(new C()))::value;
    constexpr static bool is_stdarray = decltype(inherit_stdarray(new C()))::value;
    constexpr static bool value = is_uvector || is_stdarray;

// Catches C<T>
// /! Also catches anything which is template<typename> class (for example, B)
// => B::parent is not needed, because of the use of std::is_base_of
template<template<typename> class C, typename T>
struct accepted_dense_vector<C<T>>
    constexpr static bool value = std::is_arithmetic<T>::value &&
        (std::is_base_of<uvector<T>, C<T>>::value || std::is_base_of<dynamic_array<T>, C<T>>::value);
// Catches std::array<T,S>
template<typename T, size_t S>
struct accepted_dense_vector<std::array<T,S>>
   constexpr static bool value = std::is_arithmetic<T>::value;
// Catches container_reference<C>
template<typename C>
struct accepted_dense_vector<container_reference<C>>
   constexpr static bool value = accepted_dense_vector<C>::value;
int main()
{ // Tests!
    cout << "array = " << accepted_dense_vector<std::array<double, 5>>::value << endl;
    cout << "uvector = " << accepted_dense_vector<uvector<double>>::value << endl;
    cout << "ref = " << accepted_dense_vector<container_reference<uvector<double>>>::value << endl;
    cout << "A = " << accepted_dense_vector<A>::value << endl;
    cout << "B = " << accepted_dense_vector<B<int>>::value << endl;
    cout << "C = " << accepted_dense_vector<C>::value << endl;
    cout << "D = " << accepted_dense_vector<D>::value << endl;
    cout << "E = " << accepted_dense_vector<E>::value << endl;
    cout << "F = " << accepted_dense_vector<F>::value << endl;
    cout << "int = " << accepted_dense_vector<int>::value << endl;
    return 0;