分段错误- C编程

Segmentation fault error - C programming

本文关键字:编程 错误 分段      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
//typedef struct Node NodeStruct;
struct Node {
  char *namePtr;
  Node *nextPtr;
int main() {
  // Declare variables 
  Node *headPtr = NULL;
  Node *tempPtr;
  Node *currentPtr;
  // Variables for reading in a file
  FILE *filePtr;
  char fileName[20];
  int i;
  int nameLength;
  char inputLine[81];
  cout << "Reading from data files, please be patient...n";
  // Loop through files
  for (i = 1880; i <= 2009; i++) {
    sprintf(fileName, "data/yob%d.txt", i);
    filePtr = fopen(fileName, "r");    // Open the file
    // Check to ensure file was opened
    if(filePtr == NULL) {
      cout << "Error opening input file...check location of data filesn";
      exit(-1);   // Exit program
    } // End if statement
    while (fscanf(filePtr, "%s", inputLine) != EOF) {
      // Create a node
      tempPtr = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
      tempPtr->nextPtr = NULL;
      // Set the head pointer of first node
      if (headPtr == NULL) {
    headPtr = tempPtr;
    currentPtr = tempPtr;
      } // End if statement
      // Link the list
      currentPtr->nextPtr = tempPtr;
      currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
      // Create pointer variables
      char *startPtr = inputLine;
      char *endPtr = NULL;
      endPtr = strchr(inputLine, ',');   // Point to end of name
      int length = endPtr - inputLine;      // Calculate length
      // Create space for the name
      tempPtr->namePtr = (char *) malloc(sizeof(length + 1));
      strncpy(tempPtr->namePtr, startPtr, length); // Store pointer to name
      //      cout << tempPtr->namePtr << endl;
  } // End of for (i = 1880...
  cout << "Done reading from data files...n";
} // End of main function


tempPtr->namePtr = (char *) malloc(sizeof(length + 1));

tempPtr->namePtr = (char *) malloc(length + 1);

,因为你复制了那么多字符到字符串。在32位计算机上,sizeof (length + 1)的值为4(在64位计算机上为8)。没有分配足够的内存,所以后面的strncpy覆盖了不属于您的内存。








这是我把你的程序翻译成习惯的c++。因为我让std::list做所有的列表管理,所有愚蠢的headPtr, nextPtr等都消失了。因为我让std::string做所有的字符串管理,我不需要malloc(strlen())(或修复我的bug和malloc(strlen()+1))。因为我使用了RAII的习惯用法,所以我不必担心关闭我的文件。


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::list;
using std::ifstream;
using std::stringstream;
int main() {
  // Declare variables 
  list<string> list;
  cout << "Reading from data files, please be patient...n";
  // Loop through files
  for (int i = 1880; i <= 2009; i++) {
    stringstream fileName;
    fileName << "data/yob" << i << ".txt";
    ifstream filePtr(fileName.str().c_str());
    if(!filePtr.is_open()) {
      cout << "Error opening input file: " << fileName.str() << " ...check location of data filesn";
      exit(-1);   // Exit program
    string inputLine;
    while (filePtr >> inputLine) {
  } // End of for (i = 1880...
  cout << "Done reading from data files...n";
} // End of main function
