
Canon EDSDK How can I get width and height of live view images?

本文关键字:高度 图像 视图 EDSDK 何获得 实时 佳能      更新时间:2023-10-16





(看"//libjpegTurbo…//,有手动_width &高度。我想检索使用函数)

// Functions_body
bool LiveViewStart() 
    EdsError err = EDS_ERR_OK;
    EdsCameraListRef cameraList = NULL;
    EdsCameraRef camera = NULL;
    EdsUInt32    count = 0; 
    bool         isSDKLoaded = false;
    // Initialize SDK
    err = EdsInitializeSDK(); 
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK) 
        isSDKLoaded = true; 
    // Acquisition of camera list
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK)
        err = EdsGetCameraList(&cameraList);
    // Acquisition of number of Cameras
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK)
        err = EdsGetChildCount(cameraList, &count);
        if(count == 0)
            err = EDS_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;
    // Acquisition of camera at the head of the list
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK)
        err = EdsGetChildAtIndex(cameraList , 0 , &camera); 
    // Acquisition of camera information
    EdsDeviceInfo deviceInfo;
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK)
        err = EdsGetDeviceInfo(camera , &deviceInfo);   
        if(err == EDS_ERR_OK && camera == NULL)
            err = EDS_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;
    // Release camera list
    if(cameraList != NULL)
    if(err != EDS_ERR_OK)
        ::MessageBox(NULL,"Cannot detect camera",NULL,MB_OK);
    // Open session with camera 
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK) 
        err = EdsOpenSession(camera); 
    // Start Live view  
    // Get the output device for the live view image
    EdsUInt32 device;
    err = EdsGetPropertyData(camera, kEdsPropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0, sizeof(device), &device);
    // PC live view starts by setting the PC as the output device for the live view image. 
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK) 
        device |= kEdsEvfOutputDevice_PC; 
        err = EdsSetPropertyData(camera, kEdsPropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0 , sizeof(device), &device);
    // Download EvfData
    EdsEvfImageRef evfImage = NULL;
    EdsStreamRef stream = NULL;
    unsigned char* data = NULL;
    unsigned long size = 0;
    // Create memory stream
    err = EdsCreateMemoryStream(0, &stream);
    if (err != EDS_ERR_OK) {
        cout << "Download Live View Image Error in Function EdsCreateMemoryStream: " << err << "n";
        return false;
    // Create EvfImageRef.
    err = EdsCreateEvfImageRef(stream, &evfImage);
    if (err != EDS_ERR_OK) {
        cout << "Download Live View Image Error in Function EdsCreateEvfImageRef: " << err << "n";
        return false;
    // Download live view image data.
    err = EdsDownloadEvfImage(camera, evfImage);
    if (err != EDS_ERR_OK) {
        cout << "Download Live View Image Error in Function EdsDownloadEvfImage: " << err << "n";
        return false;
    // Get Pointer of evfStream
    err = EdsGetPointer(stream, (EdsVoid**)& data);
    if (err != EDS_ERR_OK) {
        cout << "Download Live View Image Error in Function EdsGetPointer: " << err << "n";
        return false;
    // Get Length of evfStream
    err = EdsGetLength(stream, &size);
    if (err != EDS_ERR_OK) {
        cout << "Download Live View Image Error in Function EdsGetLength: " << err << "n";
        return false;

    // libjpegTurbo(data, size);
    int JPEG_QUALITY = 75;
    int _width = 1920;
    int _height = 1080;
    long unsigned int _jpegSize = 0;
    unsigned char *_compressedImage = NULL;
    unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char [_width * _height * COLOR_COMPONENTS];
    tjhandle _jpegCompressor = tjInitCompress();
    tjCompress2(_jpegCompressor, buffer, _width, 0, _height, TJPF_RGB, &_compressedImage, &_jpegSize, TJSAMP_444, JPEG_QUALITY, TJFLAG_FASTDCT);
    // display RGB image in opencv
    // Release stream
    if (stream != NULL) {
        stream = NULL;
    // Release evfImage
    if (evfImage != NULL) {            
        evfImage = NULL;
    data = NULL;
    // End Live view.
    // Get the output device for the live view image
    err = EdsGetPropertyData(camera, kEdsPropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0, sizeof(device), &device);
    // PC live view ends if the PC is disconneccted from the live view output device.
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK)
        device &= ~kEdsEvfOutputDevice_PC;
        err = EdsSetPropertyData(camera, kEdsPropID_Evf_OutputDevice, 0, sizeof(device), &device);
    // Close session with camera 
    if(err == EDS_ERR_OK) 
        err = EdsCloseSession(camera); 
    // Release camera 
    if(camera != NULL) 
    // Terminate SDK 
    return true;

佳能SDK不提供任何函数来获取实时视图图像的大小。你在代码中面临的问题是,你试图压缩图像,但你需要解压。我建议你仔细阅读一下libjpg turbo的用法。他们提供了很好的文档示例:http://www.libjpeg-turbo.org/Documentation/Documentation


