
C++ safeguards exceeding limits of integer

本文关键字:整数 保护 c++      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::cout << "Chapter reviewn"
    << "1. Why does C++ have more than one integer type?n"
        << "tTo be able to represent more accurate values & save memory by only allocating what is needed for the task at hand.n"
    << "2. Declare variables matching the following descriptions:n"
        << "a.tA short integer with the value 80:n";
            short myVal1 = 80;
std::cout << "tt"short myVal1 = 80;": " << myVal1 << std::endl
        << "b.tAn unsigned int integer with the value 42,110:n";
            unsigned int myVal2 = 42110;
std::cout << "tt"unsigned int myVal2 = 42110;": " << myVal2 << std::endl
        << "c.tAn integer with the value 3,000,000,000:n";
            float myVal3 = 3E+9;
std::cout << "tt"float myVal3 = 3E+9;": " << static_cast<unsigned int>(myVal3) << std::endl
    << "3. What safeguards does C++ provide to keep you from exceeding the limits of an integer type?n"
        << "tWhen it reaches maximum number it starts from the begging again (lowest point).n"
    << "4. What is the distinction between 33L and 33?n"
            << "t33L is of type long, 33 is of type int.n"
    << "5. Consider the two C++ statements that follow:ntchar grade = 65;ntchar grade = 'A';nAre they equivalent?n"
            << "tYes, the ASCII decimal number for 'A' is '65'.n"
    << "6. How could you use C++ to find out which character the code 88 represents?nCome up with at least two ways.n"
            << "t1: "static_cast<char>(88);": " << static_cast<char>(88) << std::endl; // 1.
            char myChar = 88;
std::cout   << "t2: "char myChar = 88;": " << myChar << std::endl // 2.
            << "t3: "std::cout << (char) 88;"  " << (char) 88 << std::endl // 3.
            << "t4: "std::cout << char (88);": " << char (88) << std::endl // 4.
    << "7. Assigning a long value to a float can result in a rounding error. What about assigning long to double? long long to double?n"
            << "tlong -> double: Rounding error.ntlong long -> double: Significantly incorrect number and/or rounding error.n"
    << "8. Evaluate the following expressions as C++ would:n"
        << "a.t8 * 9 + 2n"
            << "ttMultiplication (8 * 9 = 72) -> addition (72 + 2 = 74).n"
        << "b.t6 * 3 / 4n"
            << "ttMultiplication (6 * 3 = 18 -> division (18 / 4 = 4).n"
        << "c.t3 / 4 * 6n"
            << "ttDivision (3 / 4 = 0) -> multiplication (0 * 6 = 0).n"
        << "d.t6.0 * 3 / 4n"
            << "ttMultiplication (6.0 * 3 -> 18.0) -> division (18.0 / 4 = 4.5).n"
        << "e.t 15 % 4n"
            << "ttDivision (15 / 4 = 3.75) Then returns the reminder, basically how many times can 4 go into 15 in this case that is 3 (3*4 = 12).n"
    << "9. Suppose x1 and x2 are two type of double variables that you want to add as integers and assign to an integer variable. Construct a C++ statement for doing so. What if you wanted to add them as type double and then convert to int?n"
        << "t1: "int myInt = static_cast<double>(doubleVar);"nt2: "int myInt = int (doubleVar);".n"
    << "10. What is the variable type for each of the following declarations?n"
        << "a.t"auto cars = 15;"nttintn"
        << "b.t"auto iou = 150.37f;"nttfloatn"
        << "c.t"auto level = 'B';"nttcharn"
        << "d.t"auto crat = U'/U00002155';"nttwchar_t ?n"
        << "e.t"auto fract = 8.25f/.25;"nttfloat" << std::endl;
        return 0;










    unsigned anInteger = 3000000000;

因为c++第11条提供了15种整数类型,unsigned int是能存储像3 000 000 000这样大的整数的最小类型

c++将整数溢出分类为"未定义行为" -任何事情都可能因此发生。这本身可以被称为"保障"(尽管这是一个延伸),通过以下思路:

