
How to reset chrono::duration value?

本文关键字:duration chrono 何重置      更新时间:2023-10-16

我想收集我的程序运行时的代码片段(单独的函数),目前的策略是计算每个部分的执行时间(chrono::duration)并将它们相加。但是我必须处理两种不同的情况(使用不同的输入两次调用函数),并且我使用静态变量timer来保持分离的持续时间。现在我想在第二种情况之前重置变量。我该怎么做呢?当然,我可以使用两个连续的system_clock::now()的持续时间,但这似乎没有必要。我试过timer = 0timer(0),不起作用。例子:

class myClass {
  static std::chrono::milliseconds timer_A;
  void foo();
  void bar();


std::chrono::milliseconds timer_A(0);
foo() {
  // get someDuration1;
  timer_A += someDuration1;
bar() {
  // get someDuration2;
  timer_A += someDuration2;
  cout << timer_A.count();


int main() {
  if(someCondition) {
  if(otherCondition) {
    // here I need reset timer_A to 0 s.t. record the runtime again, how        ??????????


timer_A = std::chrono::milliseconds::zero();



/* Timer
Simple timer class using C++11 chrono.
example use:
    Timer_t t; // use global typedef for standard timer.
    t.Start(); // start the timer.
    ... do something you want to time ...
    t.End();   // end the timer
    t.CalcDuration; // Calculate and store (inside the Timer class) the interval between start and end.
    cout << "Time in milliseconds: " << t.GetDuration().count() << end; // cout the interval
template< typename precision = long double, typename ratio = std::milli >
class Timer final
    //---------------- aliases ----------------
    using timeDuration_t = std::chrono::duration<precision, ratio>;
    using timePoint_t = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, timeDuration_t>;
    using this_type = Timer< precision, ratio >;
    //---------------- special member functions ----------------
    // NOTE: all the default compiler generated member functions will suffice.
    //---------------- member functions ----------------
    /* Start()
        Starts the timer.
    inline void Start()
        m_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    /* End()
        Ends the timer.
    inline void End()
        m_end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    /* CalcDuration()
        Calculates the time elapsed (duration)
        in between the previous calls to Start and End().
        NOTE: make sure to have called Start() and End() before calling this function.
        NOTE: Start() and End() can be called in any order.
    void CalcDuration()
        m_duration = std::max( m_start, m_end ) - std::min( m_start, m_end );
    /* GetDuration()
        Returns the calculated duration.
        NOTE: make sure to call CalcDuration() before calling this function.
    timeDuration_t const& GetDuration() const
        return m_duration;
    /* Zero()
        Zeros the internal members, effectively resetting the Timer.
    void Zero()
        m_start = timeDuration_t::zero();
        m_end = m_start;
        m_duration = m_end;
    /* TestLatency( i_count )
        Tests the latency / error of the timer class.
        NOTE: this number is how inaccurate your timings can be.
    static timeDuration_t TestLatency( size_t const i_count = 512 )
        this_type t;
        timeDuration_t tSum = timeDuration_t::duration::zero();
        for( size_t i = 0; i < i_count; ++i )
            tSum += t.GetDuration();
        return tSum / i_count;
    //---------------- private member data ----------------
    timePoint_t     m_start;
    timePoint_t     m_end;
    timeDuration_t  m_duration;
using Timer_t = Timer<>;

如果是毫秒类型:timer_A = milliseconds(0);