
How to store data in a dynamic 2D array, declared inside a struct which is also used by another struct in C++

本文关键字:结构体 c++ 另一个 声明 二维数组 动态 存储 数据      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include "test.H"
int main()


#include <fstream>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include "test.H"
#include "BB.H"
using namespace std;
#define file_to_be_read "file_to_be_read"
int NUM[10] = {3,2,3,4,5,2,3,1,3,4};
OBJECTS * OBJECTS::m_list[10];
void OBJECTS::createObjects()
 //cout << "Print somethin'" << endl;
 OBJECTS * objs = new OBJECTS(A_size, NUM[A]);
 m_list[A] = objs;
 objs = new OBJECTS(B_size, NUM[B]);
 m_list[B] = objs;
 objs = new OBJECTS(C_size, NUM[C]);
 m_list[C] = objs;     
 objs = new OBJECTS(D_size, NUM[D]);
 m_list[D] = objs;
 objs = new OBJECTS(E_size, NUM[E]);
 m_list[E] = objs;     
 objs = new OBJECTS(F_size, NUM[F]);
 m_list[F] = objs;
 objs = new OBJECTS(G_size, NUM[G]);
 m_list[G] = objs;     
 objs = new OBJECTS(H_size, NUM[H]);
 m_list[H] = objs;
 objs = new OBJECTS(I_size, NUM[I]);
 m_list[I] = objs;     
 objs = new OBJECTS(J_size, NUM[J]);
 m_list[J] = objs;
 char name[100];
 ifstream fin(name);
 // Load the file.
 string buf;
 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  objs = m_list[i];
  for (int j = 0; j < NUM[i]; j++)
   fin >> buf; // read separator line.
   cout << buf << endl;
   for (int k = 0; k < objs->size_m; k++)
    fin >> buf;
    cout << buf << endl;
    fin >> objs->sub_objs[j].coords[k][0];  // Segmentation error 
    fin >> objs->sub_objs[j].coords[k][1];
void Initialize() 

#ifndef _test_H
#define _test_H
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#define A 0
#define B 1
#define C 2
#define D 3 
#define E 4
#define F 5
#define G 6
#define H 7 
#define I 8 
#define J 9
extern int NUM[];

 SUBOBJECTS(int size)
  coords = new double[size][2];
 double (*coords)[2];
struct OBJECTS 
 OBJECTS(int size, int number) : 
 size_m(size), num_m(number)
  std::vector<SUBOBJECTS> sub_objs(number,size);
 static void createObjects();
 static OBJECTS * m_list[10];
 SUBOBJECTS * sub_objs;
 int size_m;
 int num_m;
void Initialize();

 const int A_size = 2;
 const int A_size = 2;
 const int B_size = 3;
 const int C_size = 3;
 const int D_size = 2;
 const int E_size = 2;
 const int F_size = 1;
 const int G_size = 1;
 const int H_size = 3;
 const int I_size = 3;
 const int J_size = 2;


0.658 1.291  
1.891 1.753  
2.570 2.955  
3.747 3.417  
3.658 4.141  
5.096 2.800  
5.293 1.842  
4.518 1.511  
6.215 1.450  
6.113 3.239  
5.960 3.966  
7.033 2.842  
0.658 1.291  
1.919 1.720  
2.404 2.998  
3.674 3.536  
4.073 3.004  
4.379 4.781  
3.915 5.534  
3.063 5.270  
4.417 6.366  
5.500 5.125  
5.850 4.551  
5.997 5.958  
0.658 1.291  
1.899 1.698  
2.455 3.008  
3.751 3.337  
4.562 3.037  
3.962 4.032  
2.945 4.456  
1.997 4.312  
3.125 4.921  
5.212 4.220  
5.982 3.896  
5.386 4.685  
0.658 1.291  
1.873 1.711  
2.481 2.999  
1.556 4.164  
0.658 1.291  
1.891 1.753  
0.658 1.291  
1.919 1.720  
0.658 1.291  
1.841 1.793  
1.894 1.773  
0.658 1.291  
1.894 1.773  
2.486 3.006  
3.032 2.690  
3.045 1.710  
3.546 3.682  
3.561 4.989  
3.219 5.337  
3.915 5.627  
3.995 3.220  
3.982 2.227  
4.348 3.863  
1.467 4.890  
1.467 4.890  
2.201 4.539  
2.842 3.762  
2.115 5.051  



std::vector<SUBOBJECTS> sub_objs(number,size);

声明了一个名为sub_objs局部变量。一旦析构函数退出,这个变量就会超出作用域。它也与OBJECTS::sub_objs 成员变量没有任何关系。



  1. 由于成员变量是一个指针,您需要使用new[]为它分配内存。

  2. 将成员变量的类型改为vector,并在OBJECTS构造函数初始化列表中构造。


 SUBOBJECTS(int size)
  coords = new double[size][2]; // [2]
 double (*coords)[3]; // [3]

