
set of pointers with custom comparator

本文关键字:指针 比较器 自定义      更新时间:2023-10-16
struct classcomp ;      
typedef struct basic{
  int a ;
  set<base*,classcomp> b ;
  int c ;
} base ;
  bool operator() (const base& *lhs, const base& *rhs) const{
    return (*lhs).a < (*rhs).a;}

我想创建一组数据类型的指针与比较器函数classcomp .哪里我的代码出错了。谁来帮帮我


struct base; //forward decl announces this will exist (sooner or later)
struct classcomp
    // uses forward decl from before in arguments. since we're
    //  using pointers, no other type info is required. we don't
    //  actually implement this yet (we can't, we don't know what
    //  "base" really is yet).
    bool operator ()(const base* lhs, const base* rhs) const;
// now we define "base". when the set is declared we provide it a
//  custom comparator type that has yet to be fully fleshed out, but
//  that's ok. we know what it *will* look like (it provides the
//  proper operator() overload).
struct base
    int a;
    std::set<base*, classcomp> b ;
    int c;
// now we know what a "base" looks like. we can use that to
//  implement the comparator operator () and finish what we 
//  started from before.
inline bool classcomp::operator()(const base* lhs, const base* rhs) const
    return lhs->a < rhs->a;




struct base
    struct cmp_ptr
        bool operator()(const base* lhs, const base* rhs) const
            return lhs->a < rhs->a;
    int a;
    std::set<base*, cmp_ptr> b ;
    int c;    


classcomp {...};应该是struct classcomp{...};,并增加struct baseclass base的前向声明。


也类型classcomp是不完整的,当你使用它。确保struct classcomp定义在类basic之前可用。


struct classcomp {
    bool operator() (const base *lhs, const base *rhs) const {
        return lhs->a < rhs->a;


struct classcomp {
    bool operator() (const base& *lhs, const base& *rhs) const {
        return (*lhs).a < (*rhs).a;
struct base {
    int a;
    set<base *, classcomp> b;
    int c;