
C++ priority queue as binary heap

本文关键字:c++ 优先队列 二进制      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include <string>
class priority_queue_overflow{};    //if insert tries to exceed the size of A then throw priority_queue_overflow() 
class priority_queue_underflow{};   //if extract_min tries is called on an empty heap then throw priority_queue_overflow() 
class priority_queue {
  class pair {
    std::string object;
    double key;
  pair* A;  //the array used to store the heap
  int heapsize; //the current heap size
  int size; //the current size of the array: does not change
  void heapify(int k);  //as described in Cormen et al
  priority_queue(int n); //don't forget to allocate the array of size n+1 as we don't use slot zero
  ~priority_queue();    //delete the array
  bool empty(); //true/false depending upon whether the heap is empty
  void insert(std::string s, double priority); //add s to the heap with the given priority as its key
  std::string extract_min();    //remove the string of lowest key and return that string
  operator std::string();


 * implementing the priority queue as a binary heap
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include "binary_heap.hpp"
 *** inline functions
inline int left(int i) { return  2*1; } // ( i << 1 )
inline int right(int i) { return 2*i+1; } // (i << 1 | 1)
inline int parent(int i) { return i/2; } // ( i >> 1 )

 *** constructor
priority_queue::priority_queue(int n)  //don't forget to allocate the array of size n+1 as we don't use slot zero 
  :heapsize(0), size(n)
  A = new pair[n+1];

 *** destructor
priority_queue::~priority_queue()  //delete the array
  delete[] A; // iterrate through delete each elem

 *** heapify * finds max of three things
void priority_queue::heapify(int k)
  std::cout<<"HERE HEAP"<<'n';
  pair smallest = A[k];
  int pos = k;        
  //only treat child as object if it's inside heap
  if (left(k) <= heapsize and A[left(k)].key < A[pos].key) {
    // update variables
    smallest = A[left(k)];
    pos = left(k);
  // identical for right
  if (right(k) <= heapsize and A[right(k)].key < A[pos].key) {
    // update variables
    smallest = A[right(k)];
    pos = right(k);
  // after both if's exectued: smallest and pos contain smallest key
  // only need to do something if pos is !=i
  std::cout<< pos <<" == "<< k<<'n';
  if (pos != k) {
    // swap items
    std::swap(A[k], A[pos]);
    // go recursive   

 *** empty
bool priority_queue::empty()
  return (heapsize == 0);

 *** insert
void priority_queue::insert(std::string s, double priority)  //add s to the heap with the given priority as its key
  if (heapsize == size) {
    throw priority_queue_overflow();
  A[heapsize].object = s;
  A[heapsize].key = priority;
  int i(heapsize);
  while (i > 1 and A[parent(i)].key > A[i].key) {
    std::swap(A[parent(i)], A[i]);
    i = parent(i);  

 *** extract_min
std::string priority_queue::extract_min()  //remove the string of lowest key and return that string
  if (heapsize == 0) {
    throw priority_queue_underflow();
  std::string ans = A[1].object;
  A[1] = A[heapsize];
  return ans;        

 *** function operator overload
priority_queue::operator std::string()
  std::stringstream text; 
  int i(1);  
  while (i <= size) { 
    text << A[i].object << std::endl;
  return text.str(); 



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class pair {
    std::string object;
    double key;
void print_pair(const pair& p) {
    std::cout << p.object << " = " << p.key << std::endl;
int main() {
    // allocated on the stack, dies at the end of the function
    pair p;
    p.object = "question";
    p.key = 42;
    pair* pp = new pair();
    (*pp).object = "6 * 10";  // We need to dereference the pointer, kinda clumsy syntax
    pp->key = 60; // Luckily there's a short hand! pp[0].key = 60; is the same thing
    delete pp; // remember to clean up!
    pair* ap = new pair[10]; // allocate 10 pairs
    ap[0].object = "zero"; 
    (*(ap + 0)).key = 0; // same thing, ap[N] is the same as *(ap + N)
    delete []ap; // remember to use the [] syntax when you new'ed like that!


* implementing the priority queue as a binary heap
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include "binary_heap.hpp"
 *** inline functions
inline int left(int i) { return i << 1; }
inline int right(int i) { return i << 1 | 1; }
inline int parent(int i) { return i >> 1; }

 *** constructor
priority_queue::priority_queue(int n)  
  heapsize = 0;
  size = n;
  // don't forget to allocate the array of size n+1 as we don't use slot zero 
  A = new pair[n+1];

 *** destructor
priority_queue::~priority_queue()  //delete the array
  delete[] A;

 *** heapify * finds max of three things
void priority_queue::heapify(int k)
  pair smallest = A[k];
  int pos = k;        
  //only treat child as object if it's inside heap
  if (left(k) <= heapsize and A[left(k)].key < A[pos].key) {
    // update variables
    smallest = A[left(k)];
    pos = left(k);
  // identical for right
  if (right(k) <= heapsize and A[right(k)].key < A[pos].key) {
    // update variables
    smallest = A[right(k)];
    pos = right(k);
  // after both if's exectued: smallest is pair with smallest key and
  // pos is index of that pair in A[]
  // only need to do something if pos is NOT the same position
  // that we were passed in originally
  if (pos != k) {
    // swap items
    std::swap(A[k], A[pos]);
    // go recursive to trickle down...

 *** empty
bool priority_queue::empty()
  return (heapsize == 0);

 *** insert
void priority_queue::insert(std::string s, double priority)  //add s to the heap with the given priority as its key
  if (heapsize == size) {
    throw priority_queue_overflow();
  // make room for insert
  // assign string arg to object member
  A[heapsize].object = s;
  // assign priority arg to key member
  A[heapsize].key = priority;
  // loop through and trickle up as needed
  int i(heapsize);
  while (i > 1 and A[parent(i)].key > A[i].key) {
    std::swap(A[parent(i)], A[i]);
    i = parent(i);  

 *** extract_min
std::string priority_queue::extract_min()  //remove the string of lowest key and return that string
  if (heapsize == 0) {
    throw priority_queue_underflow();
  std::string ans = A[1].object;
  A[1] = A[heapsize];
  // trickle down as needed
  return ans;        

 *** function operator overload
priority_queue::operator std::string()
  std::stringstream text; 
  int i(1);    
  while (i <= size) { 
    text << A[i].object << std::endl;
  return text.str(); 