
pointer to a pointer in a struct using apr_shm library

本文关键字:指针 shm 结构 apr      更新时间:2023-10-16



typedef struct {
    int a;
    int b;
    char *str;
    double **dpp;
    STRU1 **str;
} shm_data;
/* The per-server configuration */
typedef struct {
    char *shmcounterfile;
    char *shmcounterlockfile;
    apr_global_mutex_t *mutex; /* the cross-thread/cross-process mutex */
    apr_shm_t *data_shm;   /* the APR shared segment object */
    shm_data *data;  /* the per-process address of the segment */
} shm_data_scfg_t;
/* parent httpd init code => ap_hook_post_config */
scfg = (shm_data_scfg_t*)ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &shm_module);
apr_shm_create(&scfg->data_shm, sizeof(*scfg->data),
                            scfg->shmcounterfile, pconf);
/* The pointer to the shm_data structure is only valid
 * in the current process, since in another process it may
 * not be mapped in the same address-space. This is especially
 * likely on Windows or when accessing the segment from an
 * external process. */
scfg->data = (shm_data*)apr_shm_baseaddr_get(scfg->data_shm);
/* Clear all the data in the structure. */
memset(scfg->data, 0, sizeof(*scfg->data));
scfg->data->a = 1;
scfg->data->b = 2;
scfg->data->str = "test";
scfg->data->dpp = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*) * 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {   
    scfg->data->dpp[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 10);
    for (int l = 0; l < 10; l++) {   
        scfg->data->dpp[i][l] = l;




如果您使用的是大量使用线程的Apache MPM(如worker(,则此代码可能会出现,因为所有线程将彼此共享地址空间,并与其父进程共享地址空间。然而,它在重负载下无法工作(因为Apache将开始为每组线程使用不同的进程(,或者在preforkmpm下根本无法工作。
