
How to display a specific error to the user, requiring him/her to provide input again using a loop?

本文关键字:循环 输入 显示 用户 错误      更新时间:2023-10-16
using namespace std;
int main(){
// Variable declarations
string hours = "";
double empHours = 0;
bool cont = true;
// Get input of how much employee worked in a week.
cout << "Enter hours worked in a week: " ;
getline(cin, hours);
// Convert the input using string stream for easier validation.
stringstream hours_input(hours);
for(int i = 0; i <= hours[i]; i++)
// Check if input contains any alphabets e.g 90abc, if yes than repeat loop and ask user for input again.
cont = true;
// If the input successfully converts to double type
else if(hours_input >> empHours)
// Check if values are values >= 0, if yes than exit the loop
if(empHours >= 0){
hours_input >> empHours;    // Assign value to empHours and exit loop
cont = false;
//  Check if input contains special characters or any other form of bad input, if yes than repeat loop and ask user for input again.    
cont = true;
cout << "Value is: " << empHours << endl;
return 0;



有效输入应为任意整数或浮点数number >= 0。 无效输入是任何特殊字符、字母和任何形式的负数。



if(check if foo is a valid input){
break; //if the input is valid
cout<<"error, try again";



for(int i = 0; i <= hours[i]; i++)
// Check if input contains any alphabets e.g 90abc, if yes than repeat loop and ask user for input again.
cout << "That is not a valid option, please try again." << endl;
cont = true;
// If the input successfully converts to double type
else if(hours_input >> empHours)
// Check if values are values >= 0, if yes than exit the loop
if(empHours >= 0){
hours_input >> empHours;    // Assign value to empHours and exit loop
cont = false;
//  Check if input contains special characters or any other form of bad input, if yes than repeat loop and ask user for input again.    
cout << "That is not a valid option, please try again." << endl;
cont = true;
