
Reading array from file not giving correct values?

本文关键字:文件 读取 数组      更新时间:2023-10-16



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//Function prototypes required for project
void displayMenu(int &);                //Menu function
int unsortedFile(string, int, int);     //Function for menu choice 1
int printFile(string, int, int);        //Function for menu choice 2
int sortFile(string, int, int);     //Function for menu choice 3
int main()
int choice;             //Menu choice
while (choice > 0 && choice <= 4);
return 0;
void displayMenu(int &c)
//Constants for menu choices
const int   CHOICE_1 = 1,
CHOICE_2 = 2,
CHOICE_3 = 3,
CHOICE_4 = 4,
string  filenameU,      //unsorted
filenameP,      //printed
filenameS,      //to be sorted
filenameSOut;   //sorted data
int         SIZE1,      //Array dimensions
SIZE2;      //Array dimensions
cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
cout << "tMENU" << endl;
cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
cout << "1. Create a custom array file." << endl;
cout << "2. Print an array from a file." << endl;
cout << "3. Sort an array from a file." << endl;
cout << "4. Search an array from a file." << endl;
cout << "0. Exit program." << endl;
cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice from above: ";
cin >> c;
cout << endl;
case CHOICE_1:
cout << "Enter the name of the file you want to write: ";
cin.ignore(100, 'n');
getline(cin, filenameU, 'n');
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the amount of rows you want in your array between 2 and 10: ";
cin >> SIZE1;
} while (SIZE1 < 2 || SIZE1 > 10);
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the amount of columns you want in your array between 2 and 10: ";
cin >> SIZE2;
} while (SIZE2 < 2 || SIZE2 > 10);
unsortedFile(filenameU, SIZE1, SIZE2);
case CHOICE_2:
cout << "Enter the name of the file you want to print: ";
cin.ignore(100, 'n');
getline(cin, filenameP, 'n');
printFile(filenameP, SIZE1, SIZE2);
case CHOICE_3:
cout << "Enter the name of the file you want to sort: ";
cin.ignore(100, 'n');
getline(cin, filenameS, 'n');
sortFile(filenameS, SIZE1, SIZE2);
case CHOICE_4:
cout << "Exiting program." << endl;
cout << "The valid entries are 1-4 or 0 to exit program.";
int unsortedFile(string filenameU, int SIZE1, int SIZE2)
long double arr[SIZE1][SIZE2];  //Array for user definition
ofstream outputFileU;
//Get data for file output
if (outputFileU)
//Get user input for array
cout << "Enter numbers into the array." << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE2; j++)
cout << "Enter element [" << i << "] [" << j << "]: ";
cin >> arr[i][j];
outputFileU << arr[i][j] << " ";
outputFileU << endl;
cout << "File could not be opened for writing..." << endl;
return 1;
//Close the file
cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
cout << "File named: " << filenameU << " written." << endl;
cout << endl;
int printFile(string filenameP, int SIZE1, int SIZE2)
ifstream inputFileP;
if (inputFileP.is_open())
long double pArr[SIZE1][SIZE2];
inputFileP >> SIZE1 >> SIZE2;
while (inputFileP.good())
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE1; i++) //steps through rows
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE2; j++) //steps through columns
inputFileP >> pArr[i][j]; //reads data at position i, j
cout << pArr[i][j] << " "; //prints value at position i, j
cout << endl;
cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
cout << "File named: " << filenameP << " printed." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "File could not be opened for printing..." << endl;
return 1;
int sortFile(string filenameS, int SIZE1, int SIZE2)
int key;
ifstream inputFileS;
inputFileS >> SIZE1;
inputFileS >> SIZE2;
long double temp[SIZE1];
long double data[SIZE1][SIZE2];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE2; j++)
inputFileS >> data[i][j];
cout << "Enter which column you want to sort: ";
cin >> key;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE2; j++)
if (data[i][key] > data[j][key])
for (int t = 0; t < SIZE1; t++)
temp[t] = data[i][t];
for (int t = 0; t < SIZE1; t++)
data[i][t] = data[j][t];
for (int t = 0; t < SIZE1; t++)
data[j][t] = temp[t];
string filenameSOut;
cout << "nEnter file name to save sorted data: ";
cin.ignore(100, 'n');
getline(cin, filenameSOut, 'n');
ofstream outputFileS;
outputFileS << SIZE1 << " " << SIZE2 << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < SIZE2; j++)
outputFileS << data[i][j];
outputFileS << endl;
cout << "-------------------------" << endl;
cout << "File named: " << filenameSOut << " sorted." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "File could not be opened for sorting...";
return 1;


1. Create a custom array file.
2. Print an array from a file.
3. Sort an array from a file.
4. Search an array from a file.
0. Exit program.
Enter your choice from above: 1
Enter the name of the file you want to write: Yeetus
Enter the amount of rows you want in your array between 2 and 10: 3
Enter the amount of columns you want in your array between 2 and 10: 4
Enter numbers into the array.
Enter element [0] [0]: 5
Enter element [0] [1]: 3
Enter element [0] [2]: 8
Enter element [0] [3]: 9
Enter element [1] [0]: 2
Enter element [1] [1]: 1
Enter element [1] [2]: 0
Enter element [1] [3]: 3
Enter element [2] [0]: 5
Enter element [2] [1]: 7
Enter element [2] [2]: 4
Enter element [2] [3]: 4
File named: Yeetus written.
1. Create a custom array file.
2. Print an array from a file.
3. Sort an array from a file.
4. Search an array from a file.
0. Exit program.
Enter your choice from above: 2
Enter the name of the file you want to print: Yeetus
8 9 2
1 0 3
5 7 4
4 1.45808e-4950 1.45808e-4950
1.45808e-4950 1.74779e-4944 4.70418e+1991
File named: Yeetus printed.
1. Create a custom array file.
2. Print an array from a file.
3. Sort an array from a file.
4. Search an array from a file.
0. Exit program.
Enter your choice from above: 3
Enter the name of the file you want to sort: Yeetus
Enter which column you want to sort: 3
Enter file name to save sorted data: YeetusSorted
File named: YeetusSorted sorted.
1. Create a custom array file.
2. Print an array from a file.
3. Sort an array from a file.
4. Search an array from a file.
0. Exit program.
Enter your choice from above: 0
Exiting program.
Process exited after 58.35 seconds with return value 0
Press any key to continue . . .

第一个函数unsortedFile完美地工作,减去它还必须在第一行中包含 UNSORTED,然后分别在第二行和第三行中包含 ROWS: 和 COLUMNS: 的要求。只有数字,它的打印方式如下:

5 3 8 9 
2 1 0 3 
5 7 4 4 



5 3


Rows: 3
Columns: 4
5 3 8 9 
2 1 0 3 
5 7 4 4 


现在专注于printFile: 你的函数做的第一件事是

inputFileP >> SIZE1 >> SIZE2;


  • 您的unsortedFile函数不会写入此标头。您实际上是将第一行的前两个元素视为要读取的大小。
  • 它会覆盖作为参数传递的SIZE1SIZE2参数。如果您要直接从文件中读取它们,为什么还要传递这些内容?
  • 最后是杀手级问题:使用作为参数提供的SIZE1SIZE2分配数组后,您从文件中读取大小。

因此,您可以有效地为 3x4 数组分配内存,然后像 5x3 矩阵一样写入其中。这将产生烟花。

最后说明:您的顶级菜单假设用户始终通过选项 1 来设置SIZE1SIZE2。您应该从不使用它们的函数中删除这些参数,或者显式设置它们。从我在这里看到的情况来看,最好从选项 2-4 中的函数调用中删除这些参数。