
Nested references to member functions by member functions of other classes

本文关键字:函数 成员 引用 嵌套 其他      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在尝试构建一个由类de_solver编码的通用随机微分方程求解器,该类需要一组由model类给出的微分方程。该模型通过类sde提供给求解器,该类在模型和求解器之间工作接口,将原始模型的方程重新转换为确定性 + 随机方程的两个子集。


class model{
size_t N_eq;
model(...); // Assign N_eq and parameters and other stuff
int equations_det(double t, const double y_[], double dy_[]); // Define deterministic RHS of equations
static int equations_gsl_wrapper(double t, const double y_[], double dy_[],void *params); // A wrapper that make equations_det suitable for a GSL solver
void equations_stoch(double t,double dt,const double y_[], double dy_[],); // The stochastic RHS of the model equations
static void ode_s_wrapper(double t,const double y_[], double dy_[], void *params); // A wrapper to pass equations_det to the stochastic integrator (in the class `de_solver`).
int simulate(t,tfin,tstep); // The actual simulator which will invoke the 'de_solver'

正如本文所指出的,static规范源于对模型的确定性部分使用 GSL 集成器的需要。


class sde{
size_t N_eq;
sde(size_t N_,
int (*dtr)(double, const double*, double*, void*),
void (*stc)(double, double, const double*, double*, void*));
int (*deterministic)(double t, const double* y_[], double* dy_[], void * params);
void (*stochastic)(double t,const double y_[], double dy_[], void *params);
//Then again, akin to the model class, use some `wrappers`
static int deterministic_wrapper(double t, const double y_[], double dy_[], void * params);
static void stochastic_wrapper(double t, const double y_[], double *dy_, void *params);



class de_solver{
sde *sys;
de_solver(sde *system); // Will initialize solver with the system put in the `sde` form
void integrate(void *params, double *ts, double **sol);



int model::simulate(double t, double tfin, double dt){
// Prepare solver
// 1. Create the `sde` object from model `sys`
sde recast_sys(NEQ, model::deterministic_wrapper, model::stochastic_wrapper);
// 2. Instantiate solver with recast system
de_solver integrator(&recast_sys);
// Run simulation
double *ts = ...   // Output time instants
double **sol = ... // Output solution
void *params_base = static_cast<void*>(std::addressof(this)); 
return 1;  // In practice there is some error check on this return condition (omitted here for brevity)

总之,sys调用了通过recast_sys提供的模型方程的确定性和随机性部分的integrator。由于积分器的确定性部分依赖于 GSL 求解器,因此我使用附加参数参数将指向求解器的指针传递给实际类成员函数。以这种方式,在我拥有的integrator.integrate成员函数中(见上面提到的帖子(

de_solver::integrate(void *params_base, ...){
// I allocate an array of two void pointers: the first to the `model` class (assumed to be passed by `params_base`), and the second to the `sde` class
void **params = (void**)calloc(2,sizeof(void*));
params[0] = params_base;
params[1] = reinterpret_cast<void *>(std::addressof(sys)); // the recast system as private member of the sde class
gsl_odeiv2_driver * d;
gsl_odeiv2_system system = {sys->deterministic_wrapper, nullptr, sys->NEQ, params};
d = gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new (&system, gsl_odeiv2_step_bsimp, opts.dt, opts.atol, opts.rtol);
int sde::deterministic_wrapper(double t, const double y_[], double dy_[], void * params){
return(static_cast<sde*>(params[1])->deterministic(t,y_,dy_,params)); // This will issue an error: ‘void*’ is not a pointer-to-object type
int model::equations_gsl_wrapper(double t, const double y_[], double dy_[], void * params){
return(static_cast<model*>(params[0])->ode_gsl(t,y_,dy_)); // This will issue an error: ‘void*’ is not a pointer-to-object type

从这篇文章中获取了两个指向空隙的指针数组。但是,似乎一旦在包装器中使用,它就会产生错误,可能是因为 void 数组上的算术不清楚(如此处指出的(?


error: use of deleted function ‘const _Tp* std::addressof(const _Tp&&) [with _Tp = model*]’



错误:使用已删除的函数"const _Tp* std::addressof(const _Tp&&( [带有 _Tp = 模型*]">


return(static_cast<model*>(params[0])->ode_gsl(t,y_,dy_)); // This will issue an error: ‘void*’ is not a pointer-to-object type

当你这样做params[0]你已经取消了指针一次(内置的x[y]完全等同于*(x + y)(,并且最终会得到一个编译器不喜欢的普通void。您的 void 指针数组具有另一个间接级别:

int deterministic_wrapper(double t, /* ... */ void * params) {
void** voidPtrs = static_cast<void**>(params);
return static_cast<sde*>(voidPtrs[1])->deterministic(t, /* ... */ params);


更好的解决方案是创建一个包含指向类的指针的struct(您的 void 指针数组基本上就是这样,刚好足够接近三星编程,以至于您犯了上述错误(:

struct myParams
model* _model;
sde* _sde;
// ...
int deterministic_wrapper(double t, /* ... */ void * params) {
return static_cast<myParams*>(params)->_sde->deterministic(t, /* ... */ params);


感谢Max Langhof的建议,代码现在运行良好。我提到的可见性问题与类方法地址的错误传递有关。

在上面的代码示例中,model::simulate我通过以下方式初始化sde recast_sys

// Prepare solver
// 1. Create the `sde` object from model `sys`
sde recast_sys(NEQ, model::deterministic_wrapper, model::stochastic_wrapper);


sde recast_sys(NEQ, this->deterministic_wrapper, this->stochastic_wrapper);