
TCP socket program to send a Buffer.

本文关键字:缓冲区 程序 套接字 TCP      更新时间:2023-10-16


ClientSocket::ClientSocket ( std::string host, int port )
  if ( ! Socket::create() )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not create client socket." );
  if ( ! Socket::connect ( host, port ) )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not connect." );

const ClientSocket& ClientSocket::operator << ( const std::string& s ) const
  if ( ! Socket::send ( s ) )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not write to socket." );
  return *this;

const ClientSocket& ClientSocket::operator >> ( std::string& s ) const
  if ( ! Socket::recv ( s ) )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not read from socket." );
  return *this;

#include "ClientSocket.h"
#include "SocketException.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main ( int argc, int argv[] )
      ClientSocket client_socket ("", 30000 );
      std::string reply;
      client_socket << "Test message.";
      client_socket >> reply;
      catch ( SocketException& ) {}
      std::cout << "We received this response from the server:n"" << reply << ""n";;
  catch ( SocketException& e )
      std::cout << "Exception was caught:" << e.description() << "n";
  return 0;

// Implementation of the ServerSocket class
#include "ServerSocket.h"
#include "SocketException.h"

ServerSocket::ServerSocket ( int port )
  if ( ! Socket::create() )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not create server socket." );
  if ( ! Socket::bind ( port ) )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not bind to port." );
  if ( ! Socket::listen() )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not listen to socket." );

const ServerSocket& ServerSocket::operator << ( const std::string& s ) const
  if ( ! Socket::send ( s ) )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not write to socket." );
  return *this;

const ServerSocket& ServerSocket::operator >> ( std::string& s ) const
  if ( ! Socket::recv ( s ) )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not read from socket." );
  return *this;
void ServerSocket::accept ( ServerSocket& sock )
  if ( ! Socket::accept ( sock ) )
      throw SocketException ( "Could not accept socket." );

#include "ServerSocket.h"
#include "SocketException.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main ( int argc, int argv[] )
  std::cout << "running....n";
      // Create the socket
      ServerSocket server ( 30000 );
      while ( true )
      ServerSocket new_sock;
      server.accept ( new_sock );
          while ( true )
          std::string data;
          new_sock >> data;
          new_sock << data;
      catch ( SocketException& ) {}
  catch ( SocketException& e )
  std::cout << "Exception was caught:" << e.description() << "nExiting.n";
  return 0;
