在运行时 c++ 更改用类对象填充的数组的大小

Change size of array filled with class objects at runtime c++

本文关键字:填充 数组 对象 c++ 运行时      更新时间:2023-10-16

>我有一个类,它必须存储动物的重量和它的类型。 根据用户的需求,可以在运行时创建该类的任意数量的实例。 我的问题是无法正确声明一个动态数组,一旦整个数组被对象填充,该数组就可以调整自身大小。

class FarmAnimal
short int type;
int weight;
double WaterConsumed;

static int NumberOfSheep;
static int NumberOfHorse;
static int NumberOfCow ;
static double TotalWaterUsed;
FarmAnimal(int type, int weight)
this->type = type;
this->weight = weight;
int CalculateWaterConsumption(void);
void ReturnFarmInfo(int& NumberOfSheep, int& NumberOfHorse, int& NumberOfCow, int& TotalWaterUsed)
int main()
short int k;
FarmAnimal animal[k](TypeOfAnimal, weight);
cout << "Would you like to add another animal to your farm?n Press"0" to exit and anything else to continue" << endl;
cin >> ExitButton;
} while (ExitButton != 0)


animal[0].ReturnFarmInfo(NumberOfSheep, NumberOfHorse, NumberOfCow, TotalWaterUsed)
cout << " Your farm is made up of :" << NumberOfSheep << " sheeps " << NumberOfHorse" horses " << NumberOfCow << " cows " << endl;
cout << "The total water consumption on your farm per day is: " << TotalWaterUsed << endl;


std::vector<FarmAnimal> animals;
bool done = false;
while (!done)
animals.push_back(FarmAnimal(TypeOfAnimal, weight));
cout << "Would you like to add another animal to your farm?n Press"0" to exit and anything else to continue" << endl;
cin >> ExitButton;
done = (ExitButton != 0);



正如一些程序员Dude和Ron的评论中提到的,默认情况下,C++不支持可变长度数组。如果需要的话,std::vector 类是一个有用的工具。

关于矢量的一些基本信息: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/