
How do I access a pointer from within a nested class?

本文关键字:访问 指针 嵌套      更新时间:2023-10-16


class bst
struct Node
    int data;
    struct Node *left;
    struct Node *right;

    Node* FindMin(Node* root)
        while(root->left != NULL) root = root->left;
        return root;
    Node* Insert(Node *root,int data)
        if(root == NULL) {
            root = new Node();
            root->data = data;
            root->left = root->right = NULL;
            //Update Height & Size
            bstHeight = 0;
            bstSize = 0;
        else if(data <= root->data)
            root->left = Insert(root->left,data);
            root->right = Insert(root->right,data);
        return root;
    Node* Delete(struct Node *root, int data)
        if(root == NULL) return root;
        else if(data < root->data) root->left = Delete(root->left,data);
        else if (data > root->data) root->right = Delete(root->right,data);
        //Value found
        else {
            // Case 1:  No child
            if(root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)
                delete root;
                root = NULL;
                //Update Height & Size
                bstHeight = 0;
                bstSize = 0;
            //Case 2: One child
            else if(root->left == NULL)
                struct Node *temp = root;
                root = root->right;
                delete temp;
                //Update Height & Size
                bstHeight = 0;
                bstSize = 0;
            else if(root->right == NULL)
                struct Node *temp = root;
                root = root->left;
                delete temp;
                //Update Height & Size
                bstHeight = 0;
                bstSize = 0;
            // case 3: 2 children
                struct Node *temp = FindMin(root->right);
                root->data = temp->data;
                root->right = Delete(root->right,temp->data);
                //Update Height & Size
                bstHeight = 0;
                bstSize = 0;
        return root;
    //# of Nodes in tree
    void size(Node *root)
        //Check if end
        if(root == NULL) return;
        //Not end
            bstSize = bstSize + 1;
            size(root->left);       //Visit left subtree
            size(root->right);      // Visit right subtree
    void height(Node *root, int temp)
        //Check if end
        if(root == NULL)
            if(temp > bstHeight)
                bstHeight = temp;
        //Not end
            temp = temp + 1;
            height(root->left, temp);       //Visit left subtree
            height(root->right, temp);      // Visit right subtree
    //Function to visit nodes in Inorder
    void show()
        if(root == NULL) return;
        show(root->left);       //Visit left subtree
        printf("%d ",root->data);  //Print data
        show(root->right);      // Visit right subtree
    void check(Node *root)
        //End of a 'branch'
        if(root == NULL) return;
        int value = 0;
        value = root->data;
        //Checking left subtree
        if(value < root->left->data)
            //Tree is NOT valid
            valid = 0;
        //Checking right subtree
        if(value > root->right->data)
            //Tree is NOT valid
            valid = 0;
        check(root->left);       //Visit left subtree
        printf("%d ",root->data);  //Print data
        //check(root->right);      // Visit right subtree
Node* root = NULL;




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