两个子级具有相同的 F() 实现,另外两个子级具有不同的 F 实现,所有四个子级都派生自同一类

two children has same implementation of F() , other two children has different implementation of F, all four derive from same class

本文关键字:实现 两个 派生 一类 四个      更新时间:2023-10-16


class Base
 virtual void F();
class Derived1 : public Base
  void F() {
        cout<< " one implementation"<<endl;
class Derived2 : public Base
  void F() {
        cout<< " one implementation"<<endl;
class Derived3 : public Base
  void F() {
        cout<< " other implementation"<<endl;
class Derived4 : public Base
  void F() {
        cout<< " other implementation"<<endl;


class Base
     virtual void F();
class Base1 : public Base {
    void F() {
            cout<< " one implementation"<<endl;
class Base2 : public Base {
    void F() {
            cout<< " other implementation"<<endl;
    class Derived1 : public Base1
    class Derived2 : public Base1
    class Derived3 : public Base2
    class Derived4 : public Base2


如果 F 是我想要的唯一功能可能是我可以通过组合来解决它(见下文(。我不知道这样做是否是一个好主意。


class Base
     virtual void F();
class Base1 : public Base {
    void F() {
            cout<< " one implementation"<<endl;
class Base2 : public Base {
    void F() {
            cout<< " other implementation"<<endl;
    class Derived1 
      Base * Fer;
        Fer = new Base1();
    class Derived2
      Base * Fer;
        Fer = new Base1();
    class Derived3 
      Base * Fer;
        Fer = new Base2();
    class Derived4
      Base * Fer;
        Fer = new Base2();


#include <iostream>
// define an interface
class Base
 virtual void F() = 0;
// define an implementation framework which pulls in templated
// components to do the work
template<class HandleF>
struct Impl : Base
    virtual void F() override {
    HandleF f_handler;
struct OneImplementationOfF
    template<class Self>
    void operator()(Self* self) const
        std::cout<< " one implementation"<< std::endl;
struct OtherImplementationOfF
    template<class Self>
    void operator()(Self* self) const
        std::cout<< " other implementation"<< std::endl;
// now build our classes    
class Derived1 : public Impl<OneImplementationOfF>
class Derived2 : public Impl<OneImplementationOfF>
class Derived3 : public Impl<OtherImplementationOfF>
class Derived4 : public Impl<OtherImplementationOfF>