
C++ member function as callback function to external library

本文关键字:函数 外部 回调 成员 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16



Class ExternalClass //This I cannot mess with.
    void ExternalFunc (void(* callback)(int, const void*), const void *);
Class MyClass
    ExternalClass m_ExObj;
    void Callback(int x, const void *p){
        //How do I use this pointer ?
    void MyFunc(){
        m_ExObj.ExternalFunc(/*Some way to put MyClass::Callback() in here*/)


1) 如果回调一次只调用一个对象,那么您可以将对象指针存储在全局或static变量中,然后使用独立函数(或static类方法)作为回调,并让它使用全局/静态指针来调用您的类方法:

class MyClass
    ExternalClass m_ExObj;
    void Callback(int x)
    static MyClass* objForCallback;
    static void exObjCallback(int x) { objForCallback->Callback(x); }
    void MyFunc()
        objForCallback = this;

2) 如果需要一次对多个对象进行回调,则必须将类方法封装在每个对象的thunk中,其中每个thunk都知道要调用哪个对象,然后将thunk用作回调。这是一种更高级的技术,需要了解x86/x64程序集和调用约定,因为您必须动态分配内存,并用程序集指令填充内存,以便每个thunk在运行时执行。例如,至少在Windows 32位上:

#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct MyThunk
    unsigned char PopEAX_1;     // POP the caller's return address off the stack
    unsigned char PushThis;     // PUSH the object 'this' pointer on to the stack
    void *ThisValue;
    unsigned char PushEAX_1;    // PUSH the caller's return address back on to the stack
    unsigned char Call;         // CALL the callback function
    __int32 CallAddr;
    unsigned char PopEAX_2;     // POP the caller's return address off the stack
    unsigned char AddESP[3];    // Remove the object 'this' pointer from the stack
    unsigned char PushEAX_2;    // PUSH the caller's return address back on to the stack
    unsigned char Return;       // return to the caller
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef void (*CallbackType)(int);
class MyClass
    CallbackType exObjCallback;
        MyThunk *thunk = (MyThunk*) VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(MyThunk), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
        if (thunk)
            thunk->PopEAX_1 = 0x58;
            thunk->PushThis = 0x68;
            thunk->ThisValue = this;
            thunk->PushEAX_1 = 0x50;
            thunk->Call = 0xE8;
            thunk->CallAddr = reinterpret_cast<__int32>(Callback) - (reinterpret_cast<__int32>(&thunk->Call) + 5);
            thunk->PopEAX_2 = 0x58;
            thunk->AddESP[0] = 0x83;
            thunk->AddESP[1] = 0xC4;
            thunk->AddESP[2] = 0x04;
            thunk->PushEAX_2 = 0x50;
            thunk->Return = 0xC3;
            DWORD dwOldProtect;
            VirtualProtect(thunk, sizeof(MyThunk), PAGE_EXECUTE, &dwOldProtect);
            FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), thunk, sizeof(MyThunk));
            exObjCallback = (CallbackType) thunk;
        if (exObjCallback)
            VirtualFree(exObjCallback, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
    ExternalClass m_ExObj;
    // NOTE: pCtx is the return address inside of ExternalFunc()
    // where the callback is being called from.  Because the
    // callback is using the __cdecl calling convention, the
    // thunk needs to remember this value and restore it after
    // Callback() exits.  Passing it as a parameter to Callback()
    // is a quick-n-dirty way for the thunk to do that...
    static void __cdecl Callback(void *pCtx, MyClass *pThis, int x)
        //dosomething with pThis
    void MyFunc()
        if (exObjCallback)
            m_ExObj.ExternalFunc(exObjCallback, ...);



class MyClass
    ExternalClass m_ExObj;
    static void Callback(int x, const void *p) {
        MyClass *pThis = (MyClass*) p;
        //dosomething with pThis
    void MyFunc() {
        m_ExObj.ExternalFunc(&Callback, this);