ffmpeg avformat_open_input带有自定义流对象

ffmpeg avformat_open_input with custom stream object

本文关键字:自定义 对象 input avformat open ffmpeg      更新时间:2023-10-16


class InputStream {
    int64_t getSize()
    int64_t read(void* data, int64_t size);
    int64_t seek(int64_t position);
    int64_t tell(); // Gets the stream position


/// <summary>
/// Reads up to buffer_capacity_bytes_count bytes into supplied buffer.
/// Basically should work like ::read C method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="opaque">
/// Opaque pointer to reader instance. Passing nullptr is not allowed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="p_buffer">
/// Pointer to data buffer. Passing nullptr is not allowed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="buffer_capacity_bytes_count">
/// Size of the buffer pointed to by p_buffer, in bytes.
/// Passing value less than or equal to 0 is not allowed.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Non negative values containing amount of bytes actually read. 0 if EOF has been reached.
/// -1 if an error occurred.
/// </returns>
static auto
Read(void * const opaque, uint8_t * const p_buffer, int const buffer_capacity_bytes_count) noexcept
    int result{-1};
    if(opaque && p_buffer && (0 <= buffer_capacity_bytes_count))
        auto & stream{*reinterpret_cast< InputStream * >(opaque)};
            auto const read_result{stream.read(p_buffer, buffer_capacity_bytes_count)};
            if((0 <= read_result) && (read_result <= buffer_capacity_bytes_count))
                result = read_result;
            // print error or something
/// <summary>
/// Changes file pointer position or retrieves file size.
/// Basically should work like ::lseek and ::fstat C methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="opaque">
/// Opaque pointer to reader instance. Passing nullptr is not allowed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pos">
/// Target offset. When retrieving file size this should be 0.
/// </param>
/// <param name="whence">
/// Flag indicating operation. Valid values are SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END (as in C library),
/// AVSEEK_SIZE and optional AVSEEK_FORCE bit.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Non-negative values containing offset of the file pointer or file size in bytes.
/// Negative values if an error occurred.
/// </returns>
static auto
Seek(void * const opaque, int64_t const pos, int const whence) noexcept
    int64_t result{AVERROR(EBADF)};
        auto & stream{*reinterpret_cast< InputStream * >(opaque)};
            auto const action{whence & (SEEK_SET | SEEK_CUR | SEEK_END | AVSEEK_SIZE)};
            auto const forced{0 != (whence & AVSEEK_FORCE)}; // can be ignored
                case SEEK_SET:
                case SEEK_CUR:
                case SEEK_END:
                    // TODO perform seek...
                case AVSEEK_SIZE:
                    result = stream.getSize();
            // print error or something
InputStream stream;
auto const opaque{reinterpret_cast< void * >(::std::addressof(stream))};
auto p_io_context
        static_cast< unsigned char * >(p_buffer) // ownership is not transferred
    ,   buffer_size
    ,   0 // 0 if openning for reading, 1 if openning for writing
    ,   opaque
    ,   &Read
    ,   nullptr // write callback function, not used if we open for reading
    ,   &Seek