
How to use operator overloading to simplify the addition of two fractions?

本文关键字:两个 添加 运算符 何使用 重载      更新时间:2023-10-16


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Fraction operator+(const Fraction &a1, const Fraction &a2) {
    int max, min, temp_1 , temp_2, n, m, sum, max_1, min_1, temp_3 ;
    if (a1.numerator < a2.numerator) {
        max = a2.numerator;
        min = a1.numerator;
    } else {
        max = a1.numerator;
        min = a2.numerator;
    //euclidean algorithm 
    while (max % min != 0) {
        temp_1 = max % min;
        max = min;
        min = temp_1;
    //Least common multiple
    temp_2 = max * min / temp_1;
    n = temp_2 / a1.numerator * a1.denominator;
    m = temp_2 / a2.numerator * a2.denominator;
    sum = n + m;
    if (sum > temp_2) {
        max_1 = sum;
        min_1 = temp_2;
    } else {
        max_1 = temp_2;
        min_1 = sum;
    //euclidean algorithm 
    while (max_1 % min_1 != 0) {
        temp_3 = max_1 % min_1;
        max_1 = min_1;
        min_1 = temp_3;
    sum = sum / temp_3;
    temp_2 = temp_2 / temp_3;
    return Fraction(sum, temp_2);


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Fraction {
    int numerator, denominator;
    Fraction(int numerator1=0, int denominator1=0) : numerator(numerator1), denominator(denominator1) {}
    void show() const; //Output all data
    friend Fraction operator+(const Fraction &a1, const Fraction &a2);
void Fraction::show() const {
    cout << "x/y= " << numerator << " / " << denominator << endl;
Fraction operator+(const Fraction &a1, const Fraction &a2) {
    int max, min, temp_1 , temp_2, n, m, sum, max_1, min_1, temp_3 ;
    if (a1.numerator < a2.numerator) {
        max = a2.numerator;
        min = a1.numerator;
    } else {
        max = a1.numerator;
        min = a2.numerator;
    //euclidean algorithm 
    while (max % min != 0) {
        temp_1 = max % min;
        max = min;
        min = temp_1;
    //Least common multiple
    temp_2 = max * min / temp_1;
    n = temp_2 / a1.numerator * a1.denominator;
    m = temp_2 / a2.numerator * a2.denominator;
    sum = n + m;
    if (sum > temp_2) {
        max_1 = sum;
        min_1 = temp_2;
    } else {
        max_1 = temp_2;
        min_1 = sum;
    //euclidean algorithm 
    while (max_1 % min_1 != 0) {
        temp_3 = max_1 % min_1;
        max_1 = min_1;
        min_1 = temp_3;
    sum = sum / temp_3;
    temp_2 = temp_2 / temp_3;
    return Fraction(sum, temp_2);
int main() {
    Fraction a1(1 ,5);
    Fraction a2(3, 5);
    Fraction a;
    cout << "a1: ";
    cout << "a2: ";
    cout << "a: " ;
    a = a1 + a2;



int gcd(int a, int b)
    if (a < b)
        return gcd(b, a);
    while (b != 0) {
        int t = b;
        b = a % b;
        a = t;
    return a;



Fraction(int numerator1=0, int denominator1=1) 
    int divisor = gcd(numerator1, denominator1);
    numerator = numerator1 / divisor;
    denominator = denominator1 / divisor;   

您还应该让默认分母为 1,因为除以零是未定义的。


Fraction operator+(const Fraction &a1, const Fraction &a2) {
    int numerator = a1.numerator * a2.denominator + a2.numerator * a1.denominator;
    int denominator = a1.denominator * a2.denominator;
    return Fraction(numerator, denominator);


错误的一个来源是,在最小公倍数计算中使用时,temp_1可以未初始化。 (如果maxmin的倍数,并且在您的特定测试中,因为这min是 1,则会发生这种情况。 如果警告级别足够高,编译器可以为此发出警告。

另一个问题是您的代码不处理零分数。 似乎 Fraction 的一个参数构造函数(其中分母默认为 0(是错误的,分母应该是 1。

我无法理解在您的代码中使用欧几里得算法。还可以使用 hcf、lcm 等变量而不是 temp1 或 temp2 来阐明您的意图。以下是使用欧几里得定理计算分母的 hcf 和 lcm 的片段。

Fraction operator+(const Fraction &a1, const Fraction &a2)
    int max, min, hcf, lcm, num;
    if (a1.denominator < a2.denominator) {
        max = a2.denominator;
        min = a1.denominator;
    else {
        max = a1.denominator;
        min = a2.denominator;
        //euclidean algorithm 
        if (max % min == 0)
            hcf = min;
            while (max % min != 0) {
                hcf = max % min;
                max = min;
                min = hcf;
        lcm = (a1.denominator * a2.denominator) / hcf;
        num = a1.numerator * lcm / a1.denominator + a2.numerator * lcm / a2.denominator;
        return Fraction(num, lcm);