
C++ method demands reference, can't get Cython to provide one

本文关键字:Cython 提供 方法 参考 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在通过Cython将Python连接到一个名为Bullet Physics的C++库。我有很多工作,但有一个问题困扰着我。下面是在多个上下文中出现的问题的示例。


cdef cppclass btSliderConstraint:
btSliderConstraint *btSliderConstraint(btRigidBody& rbA, btRigidBody& rbB, const btTransform& frameInA, const btTransform& frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA)

问题是如何在对此方法的 Cython 调用中指定 rbA 和 rbB引用(&rbA 和 &rbB)。我有很多指向四处浮动的btRigidBody对象的指针,但是此方法的声明要求参数是引用的(除非我弄错了)。

如果我尝试只为 rbA 和 rbB 提供指向 btRigidBody 对象的指针,cython 编译器会抱怨,这是可以理解的:

Error compiling Cython file:
cdef btRigidBody *b1
cdef btRigidBody *b2
# bs.bodies is an array of pointers to btRigidBody objects, nbi and ji1 are integer indices
b1 = bs.bodies[nbi]
b2 = bs.bodies[ji1]
motor = new btSliderConstraint(b1, b2, tra, trb, 1);
fun4.pyx:922:41: Cannot assign type 'btRigidBody *' to 'btRigidBody'

我试图投射或取消引用之类的尝试都没有使这项工作。这似乎很容易在普通C++但在 Cython 中,我尝试过的任何内容似乎都不起作用。

如果我能够简单地声明一个 btRigidBody 类型的变量,如下所示:

cdef btRigidBody rbA

那么我相信我可以将其作为参数传递,编译器不会抱怨。我在其他情况下这样做并且有效。但是,我不想在这里这样做,因为我已经有一个指向我要作为参数传递的对象的指针,而且,以这种方式执行操作需要为 btRigidBody 对象存在"nullarity 构造函数",并且库不提供不带参数的构造函数,并且出于可维护性的原因,我不想对库进行修改。

那么,如何在 Cython 中将指针转换为我拥有的 btRigidBody 对象,转换为我需要的 btRigidBody 引用?


明显使用 * 来取消引用指针在 Cython 中不起作用(尽管我认为它会在 C++ 中起作用)。在Cython中,它给出了一系列令人困惑的错误:

Error compiling Cython file:
cdef btRigidBody *b1
cdef btRigidBody *b2
# bs.bodies is an array of pointers to btRigidBody objects, nbi and ji1 are integer indices
b1 = bs.bodies[nbi]
b2 = bs.bodies[ji1]
motor = new btSliderConstraint(*b1, *b2, tra, trb, 1);
fun4.pyx:922:34: Non-trivial keyword arguments and starred arguments not allowed in cdef functions.
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef btRigidBody *b1
cdef btRigidBody *b2
# bs.bodies is an array of pointers to btRigidBody objects, nbi and ji1 are integer indices
b1 = bs.bodies[nbi]
b2 = bs.bodies[ji1]
motor = new btSliderConstraint(*b1, *b2, tra, trb, 1);
fun4.pyx:922:38: Cannot convert 'btRigidBody *' to Python object
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef btRigidBody *b1
cdef btRigidBody *b2
# bs.bodies is an array of pointers to btRigidBody objects, nbi and ji1 are integer indices
b1 = bs.bodies[nbi]
b2 = bs.bodies[ji1]
motor = new btSliderConstraint(*b1, *b2, tra, trb, 1);
fun4.pyx:922:43: Cannot convert 'btRigidBody *' to Python object
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef btRigidBody *b1
cdef btRigidBody *b2
# bs.bodies is an array of pointers to btRigidBody objects, nbi and ji1 are integer indices
b1 = bs.bodies[nbi]
b2 = bs.bodies[ji1]
motor = new btSliderConstraint(*b1, *b2, tra, trb, 1);
fun4.pyx:922:48: Cannot convert 'btTransform' to Python object
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef btRigidBody *b1
cdef btRigidBody *b2
# bs.bodies is an array of pointers to btRigidBody objects, nbi and ji1 are integer indices
b1 = bs.bodies[nbi]
b2 = bs.bodies[ji1]
motor = new btSliderConstraint(*b1, *b2, tra, trb, 1);
fun4.pyx:922:53: Cannot convert 'btTransform' to Python object
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef btRigidBody *b1
cdef btRigidBody *b2
# bs.bodies is an array of pointers to btRigidBody objects, nbi and ji1 are integer indices
b1 = bs.bodies[nbi]
b2 = bs.bodies[ji1]
motor = new btSliderConstraint(*b1, *b2, tra, trb, 1);
fun4.pyx:922:34: Cannot convert Python object to 'btSliderConstraint *'
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef btRigidBody *b1
cdef btRigidBody *b2
# bs.bodies is an array of pointers to btRigidBody objects, nbi and ji1 are integer indices
b1 = bs.bodies[nbi]
b2 = bs.bodies[ji1]
motor = new btSliderConstraint(*b1, *b2, tra, trb, 1);
fun4.pyx:922:34: Storing unsafe C derivative of temporary Python reference

由于 Cython 的目标是保留 Python 语法,因此无法使用 * 进行指针取消引用。而是使用 []。以下内容可以执行所需的操作:

motor = new btSliderConstraint(bs.bodies[nbi][0], bs.bodies[ji1][0], tra, trb, 1);