C++ 为什么我制作新结构并得到错误?(双链表通函)

C++ Why I make new struct and get error ? (Double linked list circular)

本文关键字:错误 链表 新结构 为什么 C++ 结构      更新时间:2023-10-16


1 3 9 11 13

之后,我想在 99 之后插入 3。所以我必须做一个这样的变量结构:

node *baru;
baru = new node;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
    int item;
    node *next;
    node *prev;
int main()
    node* list = new node;
    list->item = 1;
    list->next->item = 3;
    list->next->next->item = 9;
    list->next->next->next->item = 11;
    list->next->next->next->next->item = 13;
    list->next->next->next->next->next = list;
    list->prev = list->next->next->next->next;
    list->next->prev = list;
    list->next->next->prev = list->next;
    list->next->next->next->prev = list->next->next;
    list->next->next->next->next->prev = list->next->next->next;
    node *bantu = list;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        cout << bantu->item << endl;
        bantu = bantu->next;
    cout << endl;
    bantu = list;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        cout << bantu->item << endl;
        bantu = bantu->prev;
    node *baru;
    baru = new node;
    cout << "go !" << endl;
    baru->item = 99;
    baru->next = list->next->next;
    baru->prev = list->next;
    list->next->next = baru;
    list->next->next->next->prev = baru;
    cout << endl;
    bantu = list;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        cout << bantu->item << endl;
        bantu = bantu->next;
    cout << endl;
    bantu = list;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        cout << bantu->item << endl;
        bantu = bantu->prev;
    cout << "SELESAI" << endl;
    return 0;



node *next;


node* list = new node;

制作一个名为 listnode指针,并将其指向一个全新的node。没有创建额外的node,所以listnext无处可寻。这意味着

list->next->item = 3;



node * insertAfter(node * top, int value)
    node * temp = new node;
    temp->item = value;
    temp->next = nullptr; // so we know there is nothing next. 
                          // But what if there is something next? Hmmm....
    temp->prev = top;     // point back at top
    top->next = temp;     // point at temp, but what if next already pointed at something?
                          // Wowzers! This is harder than it looks!
    return temp; // return the new node so caller can do something with it if they want

node* next;指针永远不会初始化,并且不指向节点的任何实例。尝试在不存在的对象中设置变量没有意义,并且会引发错误。为了使它正常工作,您必须在尝试next->item分配值之前next设置为指向节点。


void insert(node* root, int value)
    node* temp = root;
    while(temp->next != NULL)
        temp = temp->next;
    temp->next = new node(value);
    temp->next->prev = temp;


struct node
    node(int item)
        this->item = item;
    int item;
    node *next = nullptr;
    node *prev = nullptr;