
Linked Lists Insert

本文关键字:插入 链表      更新时间:2023-10-16


// Insert the given string into the linked-list such that the
// entries in the linked-list are in alphabetical order
bool List::insert(const char *string_p)
    // Please write the list insert function
  return SUCCESS;


class ListEntry
    explicit     ListEntry();
    explicit     ListEntry(const char *string_p);
    string       getData();
    void         setData(const char* string_p);
    void         setData(string string);
    ListEntry   *getNext();
    ListEntry   *getPrevious();
    ListEntry   *prev_p;   // pointer to previous entry in the linked-list
    ListEntry   *next_p;   // pointer to next entry in the linked-list
    string          data;      // entry's string
// Represents the linked-list object
class List
    bool printForward();
    bool printReverse();
    bool insert(const char *string_p);
    int        entryCount;  // number of entries present in the linked-list
    ListEntry *head_p;      // pointer to the first entry in the list
    ListEntry *tail_p;      // pointer to the last entry in the list
// ListEntry constructor
  this->prev_p = NULL;
  this->next_p = NULL;
// ListEntry constructor
ListEntry::ListEntry(const char *string_p)
  this->data   = string_p;
  this->prev_p = NULL;
  this->next_p = NULL;
// List entry destructor 
// Return the stored string object
string ListEntry::getData()
  return this->data;
// Set the internal string data from a char*
void ListEntry::setData(const char* string_p)
  this->data = string_p;
// Set the internal string data from a string
void ListEntry::setData(string string)
  this->data = string;
// Returns reference to the next entry in the list
ListEntry *ListEntry::getNext()
  return this->next_p;
// Returns reference to the previous entry in the list
ListEntry *ListEntry::getPrevious()
  return this->prev_p;
// List constructor
  this->entryCount = 0;
  this->head_p     = NULL;
  this->tail_p     = NULL;
// List destructor
  // Delete all entries in the list
  ListEntry *entry_p   = this->head_p;
  ListEntry *current_p = this->head_p;
  while (entry_p != NULL)
    current_p = entry_p; 
    entry_p = entry_p->getNext();
    delete current_p;
// Output linked list in order from head to tail
// printing out the string data from each list entry
bool List::printForward()
  ListEntry *entry_p = this->head_p;
  int count = 0;
  cout << "FORWARD: " << this->entryCount << " entriesn";
  while (entry_p != NULL)
    cout << entry_p->getData() << " ";
    if (++count % 5 == 0 || entry_p == this->tail_p)
      cout << endl;
    entry_p = entry_p->getNext();
  return SUCCESS;
// Output linked list in reverse order from tail to head
// printing out the string data from each list entry
bool List::printReverse()
  ListEntry *entry_p = this->tail_p;
  int count = 0;
  cout << "REVERSE: " << this->entryCount << " entriesn";
  while (entry_p != NULL)
    cout << entry_p->getData() << " ";
    if (++count % 5 == 0 || entry_p == this->head_p)
      cout << endl;
    entry_p = entry_p->getPrevious();
  return SUCCESS;

所以你已经解决了大部分困难的东西。 你要做的是完成插入功能女巫有2个特殊情况。

1( 当head_p为空时(列表为空(2( 当head_p不为空时(列表不为空(

在插入方法中使用它,您可以获取给定const char *string_p并从中创建ListEntry。 从那里,您将创建的ListEntry插入到列表中。

如果head_p为 null,那么您基本上是在创建列表,并且需要设置指向新 ListEntry 的头和结束指针。 如果列表不为空,则必须将其添加到末尾。 这需要更新 ListItem 中的prev_p和next_p指针(将此留给您练习(。