C 模板明确声明成员函数值/避免了宏的问题

C++ template explicit declaration of member function value/ avoiding the problem with macros

本文关键字:问题 函数 成员 声明      更新时间:2023-10-16


template <int dim, int spacedim>
class FE_problem
   void generate_mesh();

我对该成员功能有一个特定的请求,generate_mesh:我需要根据 dimspacedim value 明确不同。


template <int dim, int spacedim>
void FE_problem<1, 3>::generate_mesh()
...do a kind of mesh initialization ...
template <int dim, int spacedim>
void FE_problem<3, 3>::generate_mesh()
...do another kind of mesh initialization ...




#if DIM 1
template <int dim, int spacedim>
void FE_problem<dim,spacedim>::generate_mesh()
...do a kind of mesh initialization ...
#elif DIM 3
template <int dim, int spacedim>
void FE_problem<dim,spacedim>::generate_mesh()
...do another kind of mesh initialization ...


#define DIM 1
auto FE1 = FE_problem<1, 3>();
#undef DIM
#define DIM 3
auto FE2 = FE_problem<1, 3>();
#undef DIM



template <int dim, int spacedim>
class FE_problem
   void generate_mesh();
template <> // full specialization, leave template parameter blank as they are provided below
void FE_problem<1, 3>::generate_mesh()
//              ^^^^ specify the specialized types/values here  
    std::cout << "void FE_problem<1, 3>::generate_mesh()n";
template <> // full specialization, leave template parameter blank as they are provided below
void FE_problem<3, 3>::generate_mesh()
//              ^^^^ specify the specialized types/values here  
    std::cout << "void FE_problem<3, 3>::generate_mesh()n";
int main()
    FE_problem<1, 3>{}.generate_mesh();
    FE_problem<3, 3>{}.generate_mesh();


void FE_problem<1, 3>::generate_mesh()
void FE_problem<3, 3>::generate_mesh()