C 阵列结构

C++ array structures

本文关键字:结构 阵列      更新时间:2023-10-16



for(int counter = 0; counter <size; counter++)




Listofnames[0].F_name Listofnames[1].F_name Listofnames[2].F_name


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
    struct Names
        string F_name;          //Creating structure called Names.
        string L_name;
        char Mi;
    struct Payrate
        double rate;
    double hoursworked; //Creating structure called Payrate.
    double gross; 
    double net;
int main()
    double stateTax = 0, federalTax = 0, unionFees = 0, timeHalf = 1.5;         //Initializing variables.
    const int size = 2;         //Array size.
    Payrate employee[size];             //Structure variables
    Names Listofnames[size];
    for (int counter = 0; counter < size; counter++)            //Initializing for loop.
        cout << "What's your first name?: " << endl;
        cin >> Listofnames[counter].F_name;
        cout << "What's your last name?: " << endl;                     //Displaying names, and hours worked, rate.
        cin >> Listofnames[counter].L_name;
        cout << "What is your middle initial?: " << endl;
        cin >> Listofnames[counter].Mi;
        cout << "How many hours did you work? Please enter a number between 1-50: " << endl;
        cin >> employee[counter].hoursworked;
        cout << "What is your hourly rate? Please enter a number between 1-50: " << endl;
        cin >> employee[counter].rate;
        if (employee[counter].hoursworked < 0 || employee[counter].hoursworked >50)                 //Initializing conditional statements.
            cout << "Sorry you entered a erong entry. Pc shutting off " << endl;                        //Displays what happens is user inputs a number under 0 or over 50.
        if (employee[counter].rate < 0 || employee[counter].rate > 50)                                              //Initializing conditional statements.
            cout << "Sorry you entered a erong entry. Pc shutting off " << endl;                                //Displays what happens is user inputs a number under 0 or over 50.         
        if (employee[counter].hoursworked <= 40)                                                                                //Initializing conditional statements.
            employee[counter].gross = employee[counter].hoursworked * employee[counter].rate;               //Calculating gross.
        else if (employee[counter].hoursworked > 40)                                                                                //Initializing conditional statements.
            employee[counter].gross = employee[counter].hoursworked * (employee[counter].rate * timeHalf);  //Calculating gross.
        stateTax = employee[counter].gross * 0.06;
        federalTax = employee[counter].gross * 0.12;                                                                            //Calculates all the tax fees, and net.
        unionFees = employee[counter].gross * 0.02;
        employee[counter].net = employee[counter].gross - (stateTax + federalTax + unionFees);
    cout << "FirstN " << "MI " << "LastName " << "t" << "Rate " << "HoursWorked " << "TimeHalf " << "StateTax " << "FederalTax " << "UnionFees " << "Gross " << "  " << "Net " << endl;            //Displays header of output.
    cout << "==================================================================================================================" << endl;
    for (int counter = 0; counter <= size; counter++)
        cout << Listofnames[counter].F_name << "t" << fixed << setprecision(2) << Listofnames[counter].Mi << " " << Listofnames[counter].L_name << "t" << employee[counter].rate << "t" << employee[counter].hoursworked << "t" << setw(7) << timeHalf << "t" << setw(8) << stateTax << setw(12) << federalTax << "t" << unionFees << "t" << employee[counter].gross << "t" << employee[counter].net << endl;



for (int counter = 0; counter <= size; counter++) 



for (int counter = 0; counter < sizeof(Listofnames)/sizeof(Listofnames[0]); counter++)
sizeof(Listofnames)/sizeof(Listofnames[0]) This will give you the total size of your array.