
Find distance between line segments expressed using spherical coordinates

本文关键字:段之间 之间 距离 坐标      更新时间:2023-10-16


LINESTRING1 is ((4.42553, -124.159), (4.42553, -124.159)) and
LINESTRING2 is ((-0.061225, -128.428), (-0.059107, -128.428))

然而,由于地球的球形尺寸,找到此距离的通常方法使我距离不正确。是否有某种方式可以改进下面的代码,以使我返回正确的距离,即:558 km

#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <future>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double dot( double* V1, double* V2 )
    return V1[0]*V2[0] + V1[1]*V2[1];
void lineLineDist2()
        //Compute the square of the minimum distance between two line segments
        double seg1[4];
        seg1[0]=4.42553; seg1[1]=-124.159; seg1[2]=4.42553; seg1[3]=-124.159;
        double seg2[4];
        seg2[0]=-0.061225; seg2[1]=-128.428; seg2[2]=-0.059107; seg2[3]=-128.428;

        double u[2],v[2],w[2];
        //Vector   u = S1.P1 - S1.P0;
        u[0] = seg1[2] - seg1[0];
        u[1] = seg1[3] - seg1[1];
        //Vector   v = S2.P1 - S2.P0;
        v[0] = seg2[2] - seg2[0];
        v[1] = seg2[3] - seg2[1];
        //Vector   w = S1.P0 - S2.P0;
        w[0] = seg1[0] - seg2[0];
        w[1] = seg1[1] - seg2[1];
        double    a = dot(u,u);         // always >= 0
        double    b = dot(u,v);
        double    c = dot(v,v);         // always >= 0
        double    d = dot(u,w);
        double    e = dot(v,w);
        double    D = a*c - b*b;        // always >= 0
        double    sc, sN, sD = D;       // sc = sN / sD, default sD = D >= 0
        double    tc, tN, tD = D;       // tc = tN / tD, default tD = D >= 0                
        // compute the line parameters of the two closest points
        if (D < 0.00000001) {           // the lines are almost parallel
                sN = 0.0;               // force using point P0 on segment S1
                sD = 1.0;               // to prevent possible division by 0.0 later
                tN = e;
                tD = c;
        else {                          // get the closest points on the infinite lines
                sN = (b*e - c*d);
                tN = (a*e - b*d);
                if (sN < 0.0) {         // sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible
                        sN = 0.0;
                        tN = e;
                        tD = c;
                else if (sN > sD) {     // sc > 1  => the s=1 edge is visible
                        sN = sD;
                        tN = e + b;
                        tD = c;
        if (tN < 0.0) {                 // tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible
                tN = 0.0;
                // recompute sc for this edge
                if (-d < 0.0)
                        sN = 0.0;
                else if (-d > a)
                        sN = sD;
                else {
                        sN = -d;
                        sD = a;
        else if (tN > tD) {             // tc > 1  => the t=1 edge is visible
                tN = tD;
                // recompute sc for this edge
                if ((-d + b) < 0.0)
                        sN = 0;
                else if ((-d + b) > a)
                    sN = sD;
                else {
                        sN = (-d +  b);
                        sD = a;
        // finally do the division to get sc and tc
        sc = (abs(sN) < 0.00000001 ? 0.0 : sN / sD);
        tc = (abs(tN) < 0.00000001 ? 0.0 : tN / tD);
        // get the difference of the two closest points
        double dp[2];
        //Vector   dP = w + (sc * u) - (tc * v);  // =  S1(sc) - S2(tc)
        dp[0] = w[0] + sc *u[0] - tc*v[0];
        dp[1] = w[1] + sc *u[1] - tc*v[1];                
int main()
    return 0; 



 dxt = asin( sin(δ13) ⋅ sin(θ13−θ12) ) ⋅ R
 where   δ13 is (angular) distance from start point to third point
 θ13 is (initial) bearing from start point to third point
 θ12 is (initial) bearing from start point to end point
 R is the earth’s radius