位掩码,用于确定数字是正数还是负数 c++

Bit masking to determine if number is positive or negative c++

本文关键字:c++ 数字 掩码 用于      更新时间:2023-10-16





if (value_in_mem && 128 == 128)
cout << "nNext byte is : " << value_in_mem << endl;
cout << "nNumber is positive!" << endl;
PC = PC + value_in_mem;
cout << "n(Program Counter has been increased)" << endl;
else if (value_in_mem && 128 == 0)
cout << "nNext byte is : - " << value_in_mem << endl;
cout << "nNumber is negative!" << endl;
PC = PC + value_in_mem;
cout << "n(Program Counter has been decreased)" << endl;

我的方法是用 128 (0b10000000)&&value_in_mem(一个 8 位有符号的 int),以确定最高有效位是 1 还是 0,负数还是后缀。

value_in_mem是一个 8 位十六进制值,我认为这就是我的困惑所在。 我不完全确定负十六进制值是如何工作的,有人可以解释这一点以及我尝试代码时的错误吗?


// It would be better to use hex values when you're working with bits
if ( value_in_mem & 0x80 == 0x80 )
// it's negative
// it's positive


if ( value_in_mem < 0 )
// it's negative
// it's positive

确保你对你的值使用正确的类型(或者在重要的地方强制转换它们,例如,如果你更喜欢在大多数时候将内存值作为无符号字节(我当然会),然后仅将其转换为有符号 8 位整数,以便通过static_cast<int8_t>(value_in_mem)进行特定的计算/比较)。

为了证明正确键入的重要性,以及编译器将如何为您完成所有繁琐C++工作,因此您不必为位而烦恼,也可以使用if (x < 0)

#include <iostream>
int main()
uint16_t pc = 65530;     int8_t b = 0xFF;     pc += b;
std::cout << pc << "n"; // unsigned 16 + signed 8
// 65529 (b works as -1, 65530 - 1 = 65529)
int16_t pc = 65530;      int8_t b = 0xFF;     pc += b;
std::cout << pc << "n"; // signed 16 + signed 8
// -7 (b works as -1, 65530 as int16_t is -6, -6 + -1 = -7)
int16_t pc = 65530;      uint8_t b = 0xFF;    pc += b;
std::cout << pc << "n"; // signed 16 + unsigned 8
// 249 (b works as +255, 65530 as int16_t is -6, -6 + 255 = 249)
uint16_t pc = 65530;     uint8_t b = 0xFF;    pc += b;
std::cout << pc << "n"; // unsigned 16 + unsigned 8
// 249 (b = +255, 65530 + 255 = 65785 (0x100F9), truncated to 16 bits = 249)