
String Literal Overloading

本文关键字:重载 文字 字符串      更新时间:2023-10-16


struct null_ptr_type;
struct str
  str(null_ptr_type*) {}
  str(const char(&)[1]) {}
struct config
  str s;
int main()
  config c1 = {0}; // Works, implicit conversion to a null pointer
  config c2 = {str("")}; // Works
  config cx = {str("abc")}; // Fails (as desired)
  config c3 = {""}; // Fails with no conversion possible


使用C++11和"统一初始化语法",假设您能够修改struct config:的接口,就可以实现这一点

struct config
  str s;
  config(str s) : s(s) {}
int main()
  config c1 = {0}; // Works, implicit conversion to a null pointer
  config c2 = {str("")}; // Works
  config cx = {str("abc")}; // Fails (as desired)
  config c3 = {""}; // Works