glLightfv GL_POSITION GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION glsl OpenGL3 or OpenGL4 (positional light)

本文关键字:GL OpenGL3 Ope glsl LINEAR POSITION glLightfv ATTENUATION      更新时间:2023-10-16


GLfloat LightRadius=0.5f; //or whatever value.
glLightf(NumLights, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, LightRadius);
GLfloat light_position[] = { LightLoc.X,LightLoc.Y, LightLoc.Z, 1 }; //World space location
glLightfv(NumLights, GL_POSITION, light_position);

for phong lighting


#version 330
layout (location = 0) in vec3 Position;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 PositionNormals;
uniform mat4 projMat;
uniform mat4 viewMat;
uniform mat4 modelMat;
out vec3 vposition;
out vec3 vnormal;
out mat4 vprojMat;
out mat4 vviewMat;
out mat4 vmodelMat;
void main(void)
    vprojMat    = projMat; // from what I understood I need those in the fs as well..?
    vviewMat    = viewMat;
    vmodelMat   = modelMat;
    vposition   = vec3(viewMat * modelMat * vec4 (Position, 1.0));
    vnormal     = vec3(viewMat * modelMat * vec4 (PositionNormals, 0.0));
    gl_Position     = projMat * vec4(vposition_eye, 1.0);


in vec3 vposition;
in vec3 vnormal;
in mat4 vprojMat;
in mat4 vviewMat;
in mat4 vmodelMat;
struct LightInfo                                                           
    vec3 LightLocation;                                                                   
    vec3 DiffuseLightColor;
    vec3 AmbientLightColor;
    vec3 SpecularLightColor;
    float AmbientLightIntensity;
    float SpecularLightIntensity;
    float LightRadius;
uniform LightInfo gLight;                                         
out vec4 FragColor; 
void main (void)  
    //Diffuse Lighting
    // and here I am lost. Was trying to do in eyespace, but the light seems to float more somewhere instead of having a fixed position.
    vec3 light_position = ??? gLight.LightLocation; // probably normalized?
    float dot_prod = ??? 
    dot_prod = max (dot_prod, 0.0);
    vec3 diffuse_intensity = gLight.DiffuseLightColor * dot_prod; // final diffuse intensity




// The 4th component of the light position should be 1, because it's a position, not a direction
GLfloat light_position[] = { LightLoc.X,LightLoc.Y, LightLoc.Z, 1 }; //World space location
// TODO: Change to eye space multiplying by the inverse of the modelView matrix
Matrix4 invModelView;
inverseOrtho(viewMatrix * modelMatrix, invModelView);
transformVector4(light_position, invModelView);
glLightfv(NumLights, GL_POSITION, light_position);    // Send light in eye space


void main (void)  
    //Diffuse Lighting
    vec3 light_position = gLight.LightLocation;    // Light position in eye space
    // calculate the light direction from the light to the vertex being iluminated
    float dot_prod = dot((vposition - light_position).normalize(), vnormal);
    dot_prod = max (dot_prod, 0.0);
    vec3 diffuse_intensity = gLight.DiffuseLightColor * dot_prod; // final diffuse intensity