谁能帮我解决以下编译错误 - 关于数组的两个实现

Can anyone help me with the following compilation errors - regarding two implementations of an Array?

本文关键字:数组 实现 两个 于数组 解决 错误 编译      更新时间:2023-10-16

分隔符.cpp(41(: 错误 C2784: 'std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc> std::运算符 + (_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>::d ifference_type,std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>(' :无法从 'char' 推断出 'std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>' 的模板参数1> C:\Program Files (x86(\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\xstring(434(:请参阅"std::operator +"的声明

stacklinked.cpp(20): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'StackNode'
stacklinked.cpp(28): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
stacklinked.cpp(28): error C2063: 'StackNode' : not a function
stacklinked.cpp(28): fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation


#include <iostream>
#include "StackLinked.h"
template <typename DataType>
StackLinked<DataType>::StackNode(const DataType& newDataItem,
                  StackLinked<DataType>::StackNode* nextPtr)
// Creates a stack node containing item newDataItem and next pointer
// nextPtr.
    : dataItem(newDataItem), next(nextPtr)
template <typename DataType>
StackLinked<DataType>::StackLinked(int maxNumber) 
    : top(0) 
// Creates an empty stack. The parameter maxNumber is provided for 
// compatability with the array implementation and is ignored.
template <typename DataType>
StackLinked<DataType>::StackLinked(const StackLinked& other)
// Copy constructor for linked stack
: top( 0 )
    (void) operator=(other);    // Use operator=, ignore return value
    // Alternatively, could duplicate essentially all the code from
    // operator= and insert below.
    if( ! other.isEmpty() ) {
    // Copy first node
    top = new StackNode(other.top->dataItem, 0);
    StackNode *otherTemp = other.top->next; 
    StackNode *thisTemp=0, *thisPrevious=top;
    // Copy rest of nodes
    while( otherTemp != 0 )
        thisTemp = new StackNode(otherTemp->dataItem, 0);
        thisPrevious->next = thisTemp;
        thisPrevious = thisTemp;
        otherTemp = otherTemp->next;
template <typename DataType>
StackLinked<DataType>& StackLinked<DataType>::operator=(const StackLinked& other)
// Overloaded assignment operator for the StackLinked class.
// Because this function returns a StackLinked object reference,
// it allows chained assignment (e.g., stack1 = stack2 = stack3).
    // Self-assignment protection
    if( this != &other ) return *this;
    clear();                // Clear existing nodes
    if( ! other.isEmpty() ) 
    // Copy first node
    top = new StackNode(other.top->dataItem, 0);
    StackNode *otherTemp = other.top->next; 
    StackNode *thisTemp=0, *thisPrevious=top;
    // Copy rest of nodes
    while( otherTemp != 0 )
    thisTemp = new StackNode(otherTemp->dataItem, 0);
    thisPrevious->next = thisTemp;
    thisPrevious = thisTemp;
    otherTemp = otherTemp->next;
    return *this;
template <typename DataType>
// Destructor. Frees the memory used by a stack.
template <typename DataType>
void StackLinked<DataType>::push(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error) 
// Inserts newDataItem onto the top of a stack.
    if (isFull()) {
    // Not likely with linked implementation
    throw logic_error("push() while stack full");   
    top = new StackNode(newDataItem, top);
template <typename DataType>
DataType StackLinked<DataType>::pop() throw (logic_error) 
// Removes the topmost item from a stack and returns it.
    if (isEmpty()) {
    throw logic_error("pop() while stack empty");
    StackNode* temp = top;
    top = top->next;
    DataType value = temp->dataItem;
    delete temp;
    return value;
template <typename DataType>
void StackLinked<DataType>::clear() 
// Removes all the data items from a stack.
    for (StackNode* temp = top; top != 0; temp = top) 
    top = top->next;
    delete temp;
// Invariant: At this point in the code, top == 0.
// Top does not heed to explicitly set to 0. It was
// either 0 before the loop, or emerged from the loop as 0.
template <typename DataType>
bool StackLinked<DataType>::isEmpty() const 
// Returns true if a stack is empty. Otherwise, returns false.
    return top == 0;
template <typename DataType>
bool StackLinked<DataType>::isFull() const 
// Returns true if a stack is full. Otherwise, returns false. 
    return false;
    // Alternatively, can use implementation below.
    // This is a somewhat awkward way to test if the list is full.
    // If a node can be successfully allocated than the list is not
    // full.  If the allocation fails it is implied that there is no
    // more free memory therefore the list is full.
    // We are not aware of any other standard/portable way of 
    // performing the test. And this can fail due to external issues
    // such as the system exhausting swap or another thread stealing
    // the remaining memory between when isFull returns its result and
    // the caller does something that assumes that isFull() returned
    // a valid answer.
    // Alternatives include just the line "return false", which is
    // probably good enough in this context, or platform-dependent
    // checks for available memory.
    StackNode* temp;
    DataType junk;
        temp = new StackNode( junk, 0 );
    catch ( bad_alloc &e )
        return true;
    delete temp;
    return false;
template <typename DataType>
void StackLinked<DataType>::showStructure() const 
// Linked list implementation. Outputs the data elements in a stack.
// If the stack is empty, outputs "Empty stack". This operation is
// intended for testing and debugging purposes only.
    if( isEmpty() )
    cout << "Empty stack" << endl;
        cout << "Topt";
    for (StackNode* temp = top; temp != 0; temp = temp->next) {
        if( temp == top ) 
        cout << '[' << temp->dataItem << "]t";
    cout << temp->dataItem << "t";
        cout << "Bottom" << endl;
#endif      //#ifndef STACKLINKED_CPP


//  Laboratory 6                                          StackArray.h
//  Class declaration for the array implementation of the Stack ADT
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Stack.h"
template <typename DataType>
class StackLinked : public Stack<DataType> {
    StackLinked(int maxNumber = Stack<DataType>::MAX_STACK_SIZE);
    StackLinked(const StackLinked& other);
    StackLinked& operator=(const StackLinked& other);
    void push(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
    DataType pop() throw (logic_error);
    void clear();
    bool isEmpty() const;
    bool isFull() const;
   void showStructure() const;
    class StackNode {
    StackNode(const DataType& nodeData, StackNode* nextPtr);
    DataType dataItem;
    StackNode* next;
    StackNode* top;
#endif      //#ifndef STACKARRAY_H  


//  Laboratory 6                                               Stack.h
//  Class declaration of the abstract class interface to be used as
//  the basis for implementations of the Stack ADT.
#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename DataType>
class Stack {
    static const int MAX_STACK_SIZE = 8;
    virtual ~Stack();
    virtual void push(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error) = 0;
    virtual DataType pop() throw (logic_error) = 0;
    virtual void clear() = 0;
    virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
    virtual bool isFull() const = 0;
    virtual void showStructure() const = 0;
template <typename DataType>
// Not worth having a separate class implementation file for the destuctor
#endif      // #ifndef STACK_H

因此,我已经包含了所有相应的标头,因为该程序利用了继承。 请继续帮助我调试此程序。 所有的帮助都非常感谢。



