从可变参数模板容器类中调用给定可变参数的 in 和 out 方法

Call in and out methods given variadic args from a variadic template container class

本文关键字:参数 变参 in 方法 out 容器类 调用      更新时间:2023-10-16

我需要摆脱旧的 c++98 可变参数语法,并使用现代 c++-17 可变参数模板和参数来支持(运行时)函数和解释器函数的进出调用。


template<typename C, typename R, typename ...A>
class methodology{
    std::string _name;
    C* rt_obj = nullptr;
    using rt_fn_t = R(C::*)(A...);
    rt_fn_t rt_fn = nullptr;
    //using out_fn_t  = alu(const alu::list_t& params);
    // `alu` is a custom std::any wrapper container class:
    // Kind of Arithmetic Logical Unit. 
    // teasing js dangerous style
    std::string& name() { return _name; }
    // Runtime calling a given "named" function into the interpreter:
    R operator()(const A& ...args){ 
        // pack into our alu list:        
        auto param = [](auto a){
            return alu(a);
        alu::list_t params = { param(args)...};
        alu a = interpreter::enter(_name, params);
        return a.value<R>();
       Called from inside the interpreter:
    alu operator()(const alu::list_t& params){
        // Here is my lack of c++ 17 functional knowledges:
        //how to : params => A..args, using this class's typename ...A ???
        return (rt_obj->*rt_fn)(args...);
        return alu(false); // default. Unimplemented.




template <std::size_t ... Is>
alu op_helper (alu::list_t const & params, std::index_sequence<Is...> const &)
 { return (rt_obj->*rt_fn)(params[Is].value<A>()...); }
auto operator() (alu::list_t const & params)
 { return op_helper(params, std::index_sequence_for<A...>{}); }
