自行编写的 HMAC 函数,无法正常工作

Self written HMAC function, not working correctly

本文关键字:常工作 工作 函数 HMAC      更新时间:2023-10-16

我编写了以下函数来生成 HMAC-SHA1 引用 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2104,但是,我生成的值似乎与 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2202 上给出的值以及我在 https://www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html 上测试的值不同。




const int block_size = 64;
const int hash_output_size = 20;
const int ipadVal = 0x36;
const int opadVal = 0x5C;
std::string HMAC::getHMAC(const std::string &text)
// check if key length is block_size
// else, append 0x00 till the length of new key is block_size
int key_length = key.length();
std::string newkey = key;
if (key_length < block_size)
    int appended_zeros = block_size - key_length;
    // create new string with appended_zeros number of zeros
    std::string zeros = std::string(appended_zeros, '0');
    newkey = key + zeros;
if (key_length > block_size)
    SHA1 sha1;
    newkey = sha1(key);
// calculate hash of newkey XOR ipad and newkey XOR opad
std::string keyXipad = newkey;
std::string keyXopad = newkey;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
    keyXipad[i] ^= ipadVal;
    keyXopad[i] ^= opadVal;
// get first hash, hash of keyXipad+text
std::string inner_hash = getSHA1(keyXipad + text);
// get outer hash, hash of keyXopad+inner_hash
std::string outer_hash = getSHA1(keyXopad + inner_hash);
// return outer_hash
return outer_hash;


std::string zeros = std::string(appended_zeros, '0');

"0"应该是 0 而不是 :int 而不是 char。 感谢@Igor Tandetnik。

好的。所以环顾四周会让我发现 HMAC 会产生错误的结果。事实证明,我犯了同样的错误,将十六进制用作ascii。



std::string HMAC::getHMAC(const std::string &text)
// check if key length is block_size
// else, append 0x00 till the length of new key is block_size
int key_length = key.length();
std::string newkey = key;
if (key_length < block_size)
    int appended_zeros = block_size - key_length;
    // create new string with appended_zeros number of zeros
    std::cout << "nAppending " << appended_zeros << " 0s to key";
    std::string zeros = std::string(appended_zeros, 0);
    newkey = key + zeros;
if (key_length > block_size)
    SHA1 sha1;
    newkey = sha1(key);
// calculate hash of newkey XOR ipad and newkey XOR opad
std::string keyXipad = newkey;
std::string keyXopad = newkey;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
    keyXipad[i] ^= ipadVal;
    keyXopad[i] ^= opadVal;
// get first hash, hash of keyXipad+text
std::string toInnerHash = keyXipad + text;
std::string inner_hash = getHash(toInnerHash);
// get outer hash, hash of keyXopad+inner_hash
std::string toOuterHash = keyXopad + hex_to_string(inner_hash);
std::string outer_hash = getHash(toOuterHash);
// return outer_hash
return outer_hash;

https://stackoverflow.com/a/16125797/3818617 的功能