合并排序 - 矢量下标超出范围

Merge sort - Vector subscript out of range

本文关键字:范围 下标 排序 合并      更新时间:2023-10-16




#include "Includes.h"
class Mergesort
std::vector<int> mergeSort(std::vector<int> list, int low, int high, int max)
    int mid;
    if (low < high) // Does not continue to merge sort when low is less than high.
    { // This will be when the given set is a single number.
        mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
        list = mergeSort(list, low, mid, max); // Split the given set into two halves down the middle.
        list = mergeSort(list, mid + 1, high, max);
        list = merge(list, low, mid, high, max);
    return list;
std::vector<int> merge(std::vector<int> list, int low, int mid, int high, int max) // Call requires the bottom, middle and top numbers of the set.
    int h, i, j, k;
    std::vector<int> listb(max); // Merged list.
    h = low - 1;
    i = low - 1;
    j = mid;
    while ((h <= mid) && (j <= high))
        if (list[h] <= list[j]) // If the low part of the array is less than the upper middle of the array,
            listb[i] = list[h]; // The next number in the merged array becomes h (initially low part).
            h++; // Increment h to the next part of the array
        else // Otherwise,
            listb[i] = list[j]; // The next number in the merged array becomes j (initially upper middle).
            j++; // Increment j to the next part of the array.
        i++; // Always increment i, the position of the merged array. Starts at the bottom of the array.
    } // End of while loop
    if (h > mid) // If h - the progress from the bottom of the array - is beyond the middle.
        for (k = j; k <= high; k++) // Loop until k is out of the array's range.
            listb[i] = list[k]; // Set the next element in the merged array to the k element in the unmerged.
            i++; // I.e. this starts from the middle, goes to the top of the array copying it into the merged one.
    else // Otherwise, progress has not reached the the j value
        for (k = h; k <= mid; k++) // K will start from h instead
            listb[i] = list[k];
    // Then,
    for (k = low; k <= high; k++) // Loop through the entire original array, copying the merged array into it.
        list[k] = listb[k];
    return list;


#include "Mergesort.h"
#include "Radixsort.h"
// Import things we need from the standard library
using std::chrono::duration_cast;
using std::chrono::milliseconds;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::this_thread::sleep_for;
// Define the alias "the_clock" for the clock type we're going to use.
// (You can change this to make the code below use a different clock.)
typedef std::chrono::steady_clock the_clock;
using namespace std;
Mergesort mergeSorter;
Radixsort radixSorter;
void main()
int num, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
int inputNumber = 0;
cout << "Please input the size of the list to sort, then press enter:" << endl;
cin >> num;
vector<int> intList(num);
cout << endl << "Please enter a 1 for manual input or 2 for random generation between 0 and 99, then press enter:" << endl;
while (j != 1 && j != 2)
    cin >> j;
    if (j != 1 && j != 2)
        cout << "Please enter 1 or 2." << endl;
        cout << endl;
if (j == 1)
    cout << "Now, Please enter the " << num << " numbers, pressing enter between each:" << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
        cin >> inputNumber;
        intList[i] = (inputNumber);
else if (j == 2)
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
        inputNumber = rand() % 100;
        intList[i] = (inputNumber);
    cout << "The list generated is: ";
    for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = intList.begin(); it != intList.end(); it++) // Loops through the list, printing it out.
        cout << *it << " ";
    cout << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "Now, Please enter a 1 for merge sort or 2 for radix sort, then press enter:" << endl;
while (k != 1 && k != 2)
        cin >> k;
        if (k != 1 && k != 2)
            cout << "Please enter 1 or 2." << endl;
if (k == 1)
    intList = mergeSorter.mergeSort(intList, 1, num, num);
    cout << endl << "So, the sorted list using merge sort will be:";
else if (k == 2)
    intList = radixSorter.radixSort(intList, num);
    cout << endl << "So, the sorted list using radix sort will be:";
cout << endl << endl;
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = intList.begin(); it != intList.end(); it++) // Loops through the list, printing it out.
    cout << *it << " ";
cout << endl << endl;

从未使用参数最大。通常,Mergesort的正确索引是结束索引(比向量中的最后一个索引多)。在merge()中,将h和i设置为low -1将导致范围问题,将它们都设置为低,而不是低-1。由于合并副本又回到列表,因此Mergesort和Merge应使用参数引用为void函数:

void mergeSort(std::vector<int> &list, int low, int high)
void merge(std::vector<int> &list, int low, int mid, int high)


    if ((high-low) > 1)   // nothing to do if 0 or 1 elements
    { // This will be when the given set is a single number.
        mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
        mergeSort(list, low, mid);
        mergeSort(list, mid, high);
        merge(list, low, mid, high;


    h = low;
    i = low;
    j = mid;
    while ((h < mid) && (j < high))    // change <= to <

使用&lt; =的其他行应更改为使用&lt;。


    mergeSort(std::vector<int> list, 0, list.size());
