C 链接列表Caesar Cipher Vigenere密码

C++ Linked List Caesar Cipher Vigenere Cipher

本文关键字:Vigenere 密码 Cipher Caesar 链接 列表      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <string>
#undef NULL
const int NULL = 0;
const string ELEMENT_NAME = "whole number";
typedef int element;
const char SENTINEL = 'n';
class listnode {
                element data;
                listnode * next;
class LList {
                listnode * head;
                listnode * tail;
                void Print();
                void InsertHead(element thing);
                void InsertTail(element thing);
                element DeleteHead();
                void ReadForward();
                void ReadBackward();
                void Clean();
                void Steal(LList & Victim);
                void Duplicate(LList & Source);
                void Reverse();
                void displayMenu();
                char userval;
                void CaesarEncryption(element CaesarKey);
                void CaesarDecryption(element CaesarKey);
                void VigenereEncryption(char VigenereKey);
                void VigenereDecryption(char VigenereKey);
                char EncryptedMessage;
                char DecryptedMessage;
 void Display();
element read_element();
// Main function
int main(){
        // Declare the Ceaser key
        element CaesarKey;
        //Declare the Vigenere key
        char VigenereKey;
       // Declare menu_choice
       char menu_choice;
       LList L;
       do {
                // Display the menu
                // Prompt the user to enter their menu selection
                cout << "Please make your menu selection: " << endl;
                cin >> menu_choice;
                // Use validation techniques to make sure the user    enters a
               //valid menu choice
                while((menu_choice != 'h')&&(menu_choice != 'c')&&
                (menu_choice != 'C')&&(menu_choice != 'v')&& (menu_choice!= 'V')&&(menu_choice != 'q')&&(menu_choice != 'm')) {
                        cout << "Error Invalid Choice. Re-enter:";
                        cin >> menu_choice;
                switch(menu_choice) {
                        case 'h' :
                        case 'm' :
                               // Read the message from the user
                        case 'c':
                                // Prompt the user
                                cout << "Enter the numeric key" ;
                                // Get the user to enter the key
                                CaesarKey = read_element();
                                // encrypt using ceaser cipher
                                //display the current message
                                cout << "The current key is " << CaesarKey;
                                cout << "." << endl;
                        case 'C':
                                // prompt the user
                                cout << "Enter the numeric key: ";
                                // Get the user to enter the key
                                CaesarKey = read_element();
                                // decrypt using ceaser cipher
                                cout << "The current key is " << CaesarKey;
                                cout << "." << endl;
                        case 'v':
                                // Prompt the user
                                cout << "Enter the key: ";
                                // Get the user to enter the key
                                VigenereKey = cin.get();
                                //encrypt using vigenere cipher
                                //display the key
                                cout << "The current key is " << VigenereKey;
                                cout << "." << endl;
                        case 'V':
                                // Prompt the user
                                cout << "Please enter the key: ";
                                //Get the user to enter the Vigenere key
                                VigenereKey = cin.get();
                                // decrypt using vigenere cipher
                                //display the key
                                cout << "The current key is " << VigenereKey;
                                cout << "." << endl;
                        case 'q' :
                                // Tell the user they are exiting the program
                                cout << "You are quitting the program." ;
        }while(menu_choice != 'q');
    return 0;
LList :: LList() {
        // PRE: NONE
        // POST: the N.O. LList is valid and empty
        head = NULL;
LList :: ~LList() {
          // PRE: the N.O. LList is valud
         // POST: the N.O. LList is valid and empty, and its
        //      listnodes have been deleted
void LList :: Print() {
         // PRE: the N.O. LList is valid
         // POST: the N.O. LList is unchanged and its
        //      elements have been displayed
        listnode * temp;
        temp = head;
        while( temp != NULL) {
                cout << temp -> data << endl;
                temp = temp -> next;
void LList :: InsertHead(element thing) {
        // PRE : the N.O. LList is valid
        // POST : the N.O. LList is unchanged, except that a
        //      new listnode containing element thing
        //      has been inserted at the head of the list
        listnode * temp;
        temp = new listnode;
        temp -> data = thing;
        temp -> next = head;
        temp -> next = head;
        if(head == NULL)
                tail = temp;
        head = temp;
void LList :: InsertTail(element thing) {
        // PRE : the N.O. LList is valid
        // POST : the N.O. LList is unchanged, except that a
        //      new listnode containing element thing has been
        //      inserted at the tail end of the list
        listnode * temp;
        temp = new listnode;
        temp -> data = thing;
        temp -> next = NULL;
        if(head == NULL)
                head = temp;
                tail -> next = temp;
        tail = temp;
element LList :: DeleteHead() {
        // PRE: the N.O. LList is valid and not empty
        // POST: the N.O. LList is unchanged, except that
        //      the listnode at the head end of the list has
        //      been deleted and its data element has
        //      been returned
        listnode * temp;
        element thing;
        temp = head;
        head = head -> next;
        thing = temp -> data;
        delete temp;
        return thing;
void LList :: ReadForward() {
        // PRE: the N.O. LList is valid
        // POST : the N.O. LList is valid, all of its
        //      previous listnodes have been deleted, and
        //      it now consists of new listnodes containing
        //      elements given by the user in foward order
        cout <<  "Enter the message: ";
        userval = cin.get();
        while (cin.get() != SENTINEL) {
                userval = cin.get();
 void LList :: ReadBackward() {
        // PRE: The N.O. LList is valid
        // POST: the N.O. LList is valid, all of its
        //      previous listnodes have been deleted,
        //      and it now consists of new listnodes
        //      containg elements given by the user
        // in backwards order
        element userval;
        cout << "Enter the elements: ";
        userval = read_element();
        while (userval != SENTINEL) {
                userval = read_element();
void LList :: Clean() {
        // PRE: the N.O. LList is valid
        // POST:: the N.O. LList is valid and empty, and all of its
        //      listnodes have been deleted
        while( head != NULL)
void LList :: Steal(LList & Victim) {
        // PRE: the N.O. and Victim LLists are valid
        // POST : the Victim LList is valid and empty the N.O. LList
        //      is valid, all of its previous listnodes have been
        //      deleted, and it now consists of the listnodes originally
        //      on the Victim LList
        head = Victim.head;
        tail = Victim.tail;
        Victim.head = NULL;
void LList :: Duplicate(LList & Source) {
        // PRE: the N.O. LList and Source LLists are valid
        // POST :: the Source LList is unchanged
        //      the N.O. LList is valid, all of its previous listnodes
        //      have been deleted, and it now consists of listnodes
        //      containing the same elements and in the same order as on
        //      the Source LList
        listnode * temp;
        temp = Source.head;
        while (temp != NULL) {
                InsertTail(temp -> data);
                temp = temp -> next;
void LList :: Reverse() {
         // PRE: the N.O. LList is valid
         // POST: the N.O. LList is unchanged, excepts its elements are in
        //      reverse order
        listnode * temp;
        LList Helper;
        temp = head;
        while(temp != NULL) {
                Helper.InsertHead(temp -> data);
                temp = temp -> next;
element read_element() {
        element userval;
        cin >> userval;
        while(!cin.good()) {
                cin.ignore(80, 'n');
                cout << "Invalid data type, should be an element ( ";
                cout  << ELEMENT_NAME << " ), try agian. " << endl;
                cin >> userval;
        return userval;
void LList :: displayMenu() {
        // PRE: none
        // POST: the menu is displayed for the user along with the current
        userval = ' ';
        EncryptedMessage = ' ';
        DecryptedMessage = ' ';
        cout << "------------------------------------------------------------";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "Command (h for help): h" << endl;
        cout << "m : enter a new current message from the keyboard" << endl;
        cout << "c : encrypt the current message using the Caesar Cipher";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "C : decrypt the current message using the Caesar Cipher";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "v : encrypt the current message using the Vigenere Cipher";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "V : decrypt the current message using the Vigenere Cipher";
        cout << endl;
        cout << "h : show the help menu" << endl;
        cout << "q : quit the program" << endl;
void LList :: CaesarEncryption(element CaesarKey) {
        // POST:
        int num;
        num = userval;
        for(int x = 0;  x < num; x++){
                if(userval >= 'A' && userval <='Z') {
                else if(userval >= 'a' && userval <= 'z') {
                    EncryptedMessage=(char)(((userval+CaesarKey-'a'+26)% 26)+'a');
        cout << "-------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
        cout << "The encrypted message is " << EncryptedMessage << "."<<endl;
void LList:: CaesarDecryption(element CaesarKey) {
        int num;
        num = userval;
        for(int x = 0; x < num; x++) {
                if(userval >= 'A' && userval <= 'Z') {
                        DecryptedMessage = (char)(((userval  - CaesarKey + 26) % 26) + 'A');
                else if(userval >= 'a' && userval <= 'z') {
                        DecryptedMessage = (char)(((userval -CaesarKey + 26)% 26) + 'a');
        cout << "-------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
        cout << "The decrypted message is  '"<< DecryptedMessage << "'."<<endl;
void LList :: VigenereEncryption(char VigenereKey) {
        unsigned int j = 0;
        for(int x = 0; x < userval; x++) {
                if(isalpha(x)) {
                EncryptedMessage += VigenereKey;
                        if(userval > 'Z')
                                EncryptedMessage += 'Z' + 'A' - 1;
        cout << "-------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
        cout << "The encrypted message is '" << EncryptedMessage << "'."<<endl;
void LList :: VigenereDecryption(char VigenereKey) {
        // PRE:
        int num;
        num = userval;
        for(int x = 0; x < num; x++) {
                DecryptedMessage = (userval - VigenereKey % 26);
        cout << "------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
        cout << "The decrypted message is "" <<DecryptedMessage << ""."<<endl;
void LList :: Display() {
        cout << "--------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
        if(userval = ' ')
                cout << "The current message is  "". " << endl;
         else {
                cout << "The current message is "" << userval << ""." << endl;
                cout << "----------------------------------------------------";
                cout << endl;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;``
int main() {
  string alphapet, plaintext, cipher;
  int option, key;
  alphapet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
  cipher = "xyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw";
  cout << "choose an option atbash cioher : n 1)to Cipher n 2)to Decipher n";
  cin >> option;
  cout << "enter key n";
  cin >> key;
  char letter;
  if (option == 1 && (key == 3)) {
    cout << "enter the plaintext to cipher :n ";
    getline(cin, plaintext);
    for (int i = 0; i < plaintext.size(); ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 26; ++j) {
        if (plaintext[i] == alphapet[j]) {
          plaintext[i] = cipher[j];
  if (option == 2) {
    cout << "rnter the plaintext to decipher : n";
    getline(cin, plaintext);
    for (int i = 0; i < plaintext.size(); ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) {
        if (plaintext[i] == cipher[j]) {
          plaintext[i] = alphapet[j];
  cout << plaintext;
  return 0;