结构中的Visual Studioc 阵列大小太长

visual studioc++ array size in struct is too long

本文关键字:阵列 Studioc Visual 结构      更新时间:2023-10-16

我当前正在为我的初学者C 课程进行分配,本章是关于structs的。我正在使用Visual Studio,所以我不能为动态阵列(即没有向量等)做任何奇特的事情。

我遇到麻烦的家庭作业的一部分是在文件末尾读取带有某些空格的文件。由于我使用的是filename.eof(),所以它正在读取空白并记录该数据。我尝试做cin.ignore(xxxxx,' n'),但是这无效。我当前的排名是我想要的数据,只是一排垃圾。我如何摆脱垃圾?



Duckey E Donald forward 8 2 21
Goof B Goofy defense 12 0 82
Brave A Balto goalkeeper 0 0 5
Snow W White defense 1 2 3
Alice I Wonderful midfield 1 5 15
Samina S Akthar right_defense 1 2 7
Simba P Green left_back 7 3 28


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int subSize = 100;
//struct to store nameInfo
struct nameInfo
    string fName;
    char middleInitial;
    string lName;

//struct to store playerInfo
struct playerInfo
    nameInfo name;
    string postion;
    int goals;
    int penalties;
    int jersey;
int getData(playerInfo matrix[]);
void displayData(playerInfo matrix[], int arraySize);
int main()
    playerInfo p;
    playerInfo playerArray[subSize];
    int arraySize;
    int userSelection;
    string searchTerm;

    arraySize = getData(playerArray);
    cout << arraySize << " records found." << endl << endl;

    displayData(playerArray, arraySize); //call to display all data
    cout << endl;
    return 0;
//function to read the data into the array
int getData(playerInfo matrix[])
    ifstream infile;
    string fileName;
    int i = 0;          //counter to hold array row length
    int k = 0;          //counter for file input
    int x = 0;          //counter for user input

    cout << "Enter the file name (e.g. soccer-1.txt): ";
    getline(cin, fileName);
    cout << endl;
    //checks if file exists
    //ask the user again for the name of another file
    //loop returns -1 after 3 failed attempts to enter a file
    while (!infile)
        cout << "After attempt " << k
            << " input file not opened." << endl;
        cout << "Attempt " << k + 1 << ", enter the file name (e.g. soccer.txt): ";
        getline(cin, fileName);
        cout << endl;

        cout << endl;
        if (k == 2) //terminate program at 2 because entered validation loop
        {           //after first attempt
            cout << "Terminating program.";
            return -1;
    while (!infile.eof())
        infile >> matrix[i].name.fName >> matrix[i].name.middleInitial
            >> matrix[i].name.lName >> matrix[i].postion
            >> matrix[i].goals >> matrix[i].penalties
            >> matrix[i].jersey;
        i++; //holds size of array
    return i;

void displayData(playerInfo matrix[], int arraySize)
    for (int y = 0; y < arraySize; y++)
        //display format:
        //Duckey.(E)Donald:8 2 21 – forward
        cout << matrix[y].name.fName
            << ".(" << matrix[y].name.middleInitial << ")"
            << matrix[y].name.lName << ":" << matrix[y].goals << " "
            << matrix[y].penalties << " " << matrix[y].jersey
            << " - " << matrix[y].postion << endl;


while (!infile.eof()) {
  infile >> matrix[i].name.fName >> matrix[i].name.middleInitial >>
      matrix[i].name.lName >> matrix[i].postion >> matrix[i].goals >>
      matrix[i].penalties >> matrix[i].jersey;
  i++; // holds size of array
